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Coronavirus Stats Features

Explore all the features of Elfsight Coronavirus Stats and how they can help you create the most effective widget.

Demonstrate the statistics by countries and worldwide

You are free to reveal statistics on confirmed COVID-19 cases around the whole world or by countries in a form of table. You can choose all countries or hand-pick them from the list in the Countries to display section of the editor. There’s also a possibility to pick the featured country and place it at the top of the table. Provide your users with current data so that they could take actions to protect themselves and their relatives from the coronavirus outbreak.


Use appropriate number format

Numbers are the key feature of our widget. We’ve made them highly customizable so that you could choose the number format. Pick from Comma, Dot, Space or None.

Translate all the messages

All the widget’s text elements can be translated to your language. Present the information on the COVID-19 spread in a comprehensible way. Help your audience quickly get the overall picture of current events.


Three layouts

Three layouts will help you present the stats the way it suits you best. The Table is there to form an informative feature with data on each country you choose. Map will demonstrate the World map – you will see the stats on each country on hover. And the Grid will form a table with cards, each dedicated to a particular country.


Customize the text elements

It is extremely important to make sure everyone can see and understand the information. That’s why you can adjust all the text elements of your widget by choosing the font size and weight. You are also free to choose the text color. Make a noticeable table that will catch the eye and help your users take care of themselves and their families.

Choose your background type

There are three background types available – Transparent, Color or Image. Choose the one which suits your website’s design best and integrate the widget seamlessly in just a few clicks. Let everyone be aware with the help of up-to-date info presented in an accessible way.


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