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The best Bitrix apps

Free list of top modules to perform all key business and social tasks on your Bitrix website. Instant setup, detailed optimization and life-time support.

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the best free bitrix apps for your website

For already 4 years, our team have been producing the most useful premium apps for Bitrix. Elfsight modules help you to boost conversion, unite your website with social networks or accomplish any other tasks, which occur with the majority of e-commerce sites.

We offer diverse pricings: from free to premium. We aim to provide your business a possibility to grow together with our team and reach an incredible height.

What makes Elfsight Bitrix apps one of the best?

To show you, that modules by company is what you no doubt need check, we have collected a list of advantages, which make them occupy the highest places among other:

  • Free setting help;
  • Completely adaptive to all resolutions;
  • No coding abilities needed;
  • Various custom options of the templates;
  • Intuitive UI;
  • Cloud solution for high loading speed;
  • Regular automatic updates;
  • Competent help with any troubles.

Check all benefits of Elfsight apps via free variant or acquire the needed module with 20% discount.

How to Install the app on Bitrix website

You can read more details about adding of each module in our help center.

  1. Click the wanted module and shape it in the panel.
  2. Integrate module code into the site (into the code of the page or the template: sidebar, footer, etc.)
  3. Setup is successfully complete!

Need free help in customization your Bitrix app? Couldn’t handle the integration? Do not hesitate to, send your request to Elfsight support center, and we will be glad to help you.

How can I implement the apps to my Bitrix template?

You are free to embed the apps on your website. Simply go to the admin panel and do the following actions:

  1. Go to theme settings;
  2. Pick the element where you need to embed the app on;
  3. Paste the code from Elfsight Apps and apply your changes.
  4. Finished.

What Bitrix versions and themes can be compatible with app?

Elfsight apps are adaptable with any options templates of the Bitrix site. We assure you the substantial work of our solutions.

Where will I be able to check the views of apps?

You will make the required changes in the settings in the initiative Elfsight admin panel.

Could I contact Support team if I have a free plan?

All users are free to message friendly Our Support team to ask for advice about the work of Elfsight solutions.

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