Business Galleries

Business Galleries templates for website

Introducing the Business Galleries templates, designed to elevate your professional showcase on the website. Our diverse range of templates perfectly highlights your unique style and can make an impact. Whether you’re an interior designer, food artist, or fashion expert, our galleries offer the perfect platform to present your work creatively and attractively!
G2 Badges
Traveler Gallery
Add a gallery widget to a website to showcase traveler adventures in captivating narratives.
Photo Shoots
Create a gallery template for a website to present photo shoots with impactful artistry, converting viewers into clients.
Wedding Photographer
Add a photographer plugin to a website and share stunning wedding captures in a romantic and enchanting layout.
Interior Designer Gallery
Embed a gallery template on a website to elevate your portfolio as an interior designer.
Embed a gallery template on a website to let clients view their images effortlessly.
Creating a gallery plugin for a website lets your portfolio shine and make a lasting impression.
Embed a photo plugin on a website to transform your portfolio into a compelling narrative.
Create a photo template for a website and arrange images in a clean, organized grid.
Add a gallery plugin to a website to attract art enthusiasts who share your passion and creativity.
Create a gallery widget for a website to present real estate listings in an organized manner.
Add a gallery template to a website to display wedding photos, allowing couples to share their special day.
Embed a gallery widget on a website to engage viewers with captivating photography.
Create a gallery plugin for a website to share food creations in all their mouthwatering glory.
Add a gallery widget to a website to present your fashion artistry and encourage users to express their style.
Embed a gallery plugin on a website to share your artistic journey and present the greatest works.
Create a gallery template for a website to highlight unique features and stories behind each car model.
No Suitable Template?
You can easily assemble the widget you need using our simple-to-use configurator.

Why are Elfsight Business Galleries templates the best?

Enhance your website’s visual presentation and captivate your visitors using one of the pre-made Business Galleries templates on your website. Thanks to personalization options at your disposal, you can easily upload your images, tweak the Photo Gallery widget settings to suit your brand’s design, and produce the line of code promptly. Whether you’re showcasing photographs, art pieces, or treasured event memories, it doesn’t require much to craft a striking visual journey that uplifts!

Why Elfsight Business Galleries are the Best?

Business Galleries Features and Integrations

Bulk Image Upload
Image Titles & Description
Tag Filtering
Alt Attributes
Action on Photo Click
Popup Mode
Photo Copy Protection
Custom Photo Order
7 Layout Styles
Dynamic Animation
Loop Images
Load More Button
Auto Slider
Custom Colorization & Fonts
Multiple Languages Support
CSS & JS Editors
Coding-Free Editor
Optimized for All Mobile Devices
Page-Speed Friendly Lazy Loading
Seamless Website Integration

How to add Business Galleries to website

In order to embed the Business Galleries template on your website page, check out this guide:

  1. Sign in to your Elfsight account.
  2. Obtain the setup code that’s been automatically created for you.
  3. Locate your website editor.
  4. Paste the code and save the changes. Done!

For extra help, please contact the Elfsight Support Team or refer to our blog post on how to embed a Photo Gallery on any website.


Can I embed the Business Galleries widget without coders?

Indeed! Using the pre-generated piece of code, you can add the Business Galleries template to your website page. Thus, you can sidestep the expense of engaging a developer or depending on an external coding application.

How can I add tracks to the Audio Player widget?

Add images to the Photo Gallery widget in the “Content” menu tab. Hit the “Add Photos” button to select them from your device or use drag-and-drop functionality.

What website builders and CMS are compatible with the Business Galleries widget?

With a compatibility rate of 99.9%, our plugins are the perfect solution for almost any website. Here are some of the popular ones:

Squarespace, Wix, HTML, Webflow, WordPress, Shopify, Elementor, Google Sites, GoDaddy, iFrame, and many others.

Where can I add the Business Galleries widget on my website?

To amplify your website’s aesthetic charm, you can add the gallery to different areas. Consider these standard placements: the homepage, dedicated product pages, blog posts, portfolio presentations, or the contact section.

Can I customize the Business Galleries template?

To commence the customization journey, upload your photos and categorize them into groups. Following this, you can refine the elements, such as layouts, colors, filters, popup settings, a watermark, fonts, and more.

Are the Business Galleries templates mobile-friendly?

Certainly, they are! You can evade any complications, as the Business Galleries templates excel on all devices: mobile devices, computers, laptops, and tablets. Immerse yourself in the optimal mobile-optimized experience with Elfsight for both you and your visitors!