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How to Add Reviews to Shopify Website

By enabling your users to read reviews and opinions from real customers about your business and products, you can increase conversion and build credibility for your brand. Shopify Reviews app offers a simple but effective way to collect product and service reviews from various review platforms on your website.
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How to Add Reviews to Shopify Website

Reviews App for Shopify: How to Create and Install it

Reviews are a great example of how you can help customers know that they are purchasing from a reputable business. They also provide social proof for the company and can help boost conversion rates. Our All-in-One Reviews widget offer easy and seamless integration, ready-made templates, extensive customization options for displaying customer reviews, as well as snippets. So if you want to automate the process of collecting user testimonials and feedback from all available resources with a no-coding method on your Shopify website, this is definitely an option to consider.

Try to create your All-in-One review widget now!

How to Embed Reviews App on Shopify Store

Embedding an app on the homepage is really easy and can be done by any internet user with average skills. You  work in an online editor with an intuitive interface to create a plugin that best suits your Shopify use case and website design. Just follow the instructions of the short guide below.

  1. Sign up for the Elfsight service.
  2. Go to the editor to create your own plugin.
  3. Design your Reviews section. Save.
  4. Press Add to Website and copy the installation script. 
  5. Go to your Shopify admin dashboard to paste the script there. 
Tip: You can test the Live Demo without signing up an account with Elfsight, but it’s recommended to register to get access to the admin panel where you can copy the Reviews App script for installation.

Then, you must connect your profiles on various rating platforms to the All-in-One app UI:

  • Use filters for hiding any unwanted comments.
  • Adjust customization options and features of the widget.
  • Create sliders, grids, carousels, that display the reviews with author’s name and picture, call-to-action button, and your star or number rating from your account on any business reviews website. 
  • Click the Add to Website button and copy the script that appears in the pop-up window.

Now that you have the Reviews script, it’s time to embed it into a custom section on your Shopify page or website template.

Adding Reviews to a specific Shopify page

You can embed your Reviews feed on a Shopify start page, product pages or sections of an online store and create widgets for them separately. See the examples of how you can do it:

  1. Open your website’s visual editor, go to the online store and click Customize.
  2. Add the Custom Content section to the landing page (when you switch to the visual editor, the home page opens by default, but you can access the right page of your Shopify site from the drop-down menu.)
  3. In the left-hand menu, go to “Sections”  and click “Add new section”. 
  4. Give it a name and an editor will open. 
  5. Add the Reviews installation script there and save the changes in your Shopify admin board. 
Add Reviews to Shopify Template
  1. Log in to your Shopify account and select a shop you want to see the plugin on. 
  2. Select the Actions → Edit Code option.
  3. Open the theme template: locate the theme.liquid file in the Layout section and click on it. 
  4. Paste the Reviews app installation script before the closing tag. 
  5. Save your changes and go to your Shopify website to see the built-in app in action.
Add Reviews to all Shopify product pages
  1. Go to the Shopify admin and login to the backend of your Shopify website.
  2. Enter the online store and select the Actions → Edit Code option.
  3. Open the  design template.
  4. Then go to Sections → Product Template File (If you are using Shopify Store 2.0, you should select the main-product.liquid file instead.) 
  5. Browse the location where you want the app to appear, paste the app installation script there and save changes.  

Great! You’ve embedded your Reviews app on every product page on your Shopify website!

Add Reviews to specific Shopify product pages 

You can also embed Reviews on each individual Shopify page. 

  1. Login to the backend of your Shopify website, go to the online store and select Actions and the Edit Code option
  2. Next, open the main-product.liquid file in the Sections folder of your Shopify  2.0 store. Note that if you’re using older versions of Shopify, you may need to select the product.liquid file instead. 
  3. Paste the block code below in the desired area to create a block container for the app. Save the changes.
  4. After saving the changes, go to the online store and select Customize.
  5. Select your Shopify product pages from the top dropdown where you’d like to add the script of the Elfsight Reviews app.
  6. Depending on your Shopify store’s theme, you can view the product information or the Products Pages folder. 
  7. Open the folder, click Add block at the bottom of the folder and add an Elfsight application block.
  8. Open the Elfsight application block app, select the  Shopify product you want, and add the Reviews installation script  to the section below.
  9. Apply the changes by clicking Save in the top right corner of your shop. 

If you encounter any problems, our support experts can take care of integrating your Reviews feed app with your Shopify website according to your requirements at no extra cost.

Reviews Sources

All-in-One Reviews widget from Elfsight will help you embed reviews from the biggest global marketplaces and platforms that helps businesses reach consumers and sell their products online store website based on Shopify. See the example of a full list of sources available in the widget editor.

Ecommerce ReviewsAmazon
Social Media ReviewsFacebook 
Places and Accommodations ReviewsAirbnb 
Reviews on Digital ProductsApp Store
Google Play
Cars and Vehicles ReviewsDealerRater
Reviews on Professional ServicesAvvo

You can choose several platforms that are highly rated by customers and are known for trustworthy customer reviews, or pick just one that interests you, for example. This is a great way to show off your reputation and attract more potential guests. Trusted review sources will help you promote your products and services. This way you can show that your offers are worth buying and increase conversions.

Tip: You can also demonstrate high social acceptance with a specifically designed interface for businesses who use Instagram posts as examples of testimonials about their products and want to embed them on the Shopify website.

Benefits of Reviews on Shopify Website

Reviews on a Shopify website are a great way to help your customers know that they are purchasing from a reputable business. They also provide social proof for the company and can help boost conversion rates.  You should also make sure that you are asking for feedback so that you have examples of reviews to display on your Shopify website.

Purchase conversion

One of the main reasons to share your reviews with your prospective clients is that the positive feedback in a customer review section can be used  during lead acquisition. Adding a widget on your Shopify products’ pages with examples of real reviews from trusted platforms to your website or landing page will help you get more orders and applications and add more contacts to your CRM.

According to the report by Digital.com, over 30% of consumers consider good reviews as a decisive factor  when buying various products on the Internet. So make sure everyone knows how well your business is doing by embedding trusted reviews on your website.

SEO improvement

Your rating will appear directly on the Google search results page with a rich snippet inbuilt in the widget’s script. You won’t need to implement any examples of schema markup on your website. Our All-in-One reviews plugin for Shopify already comes with the necessary markup for Google, so just add the plugin to your website. Afterwards, your rating will appear in search results.

BrightLocal shows in the research the examples that high snippet ratings have a positive impact on CTR growth and boost your website’s organic traffic and SEO positioning.

Customer trust

Integrate real customer reviews into your official website to drive more sales. This way you’ll harness the power of one of the best multi-source review platforms on your Shopify website to promote your e-commerce or local business.

Research from the G2 platform shows in examples that reviews are believed by consumers to increase the credibility of the product. Online reviews are also effective  for 39.5% of people in building a product’s credibility. 72% of shoppers value negative product and service reviews, saying they “help provide insight into a decision.” 67% of consumers want examples that show a mix of positive and negative reviews.

Remarkable Templates For Shopify Reviews

Each of the templates our Reviews widget offers contains additional settings: with the slider you can set up arrows or drag for navigation, choose the scroll speed and pagination variant and set the number of comments per page for each layout example. You can also add a header to your widget that contains star and number rating, the Write a review button that redirects users from your website to your accounts on review sites you’ve picked. You can see the variants of how this functionality can be implemented on Shopify in the Examples section.

Carousel Widget with Header 

This template is suitable for placing Reviews plugin on your Shopify homepage. You can set the speed for it to toggle individual reviews of your products or business with a slider layout. Or switch it to a feed to show a list of handpicked reviews. A developed header has star and number rating, platforms tabs, as well as CTA button to redirect your customers from Shopify to a platform of your choice to share their experience.

Shopify reviews carousel app

Floating Badge

This is an example of how you can add a rating badge to your website template and it would appear on every page of your website as a floating element in front of your visitors without detracting from the main content. This template is suitable for a website promoting any kind of business, company, or services that has a website on Shopify.

Shopify reviews floating badge

Grid of Reviews

The greed template can be placed on the About Us or Team page: just select the examples of reviews that will help enhance the value of your service or position your brand as a reliable partner. Use reviews on your Shopify website in a way that facilitates conversations with your audience and conveys the right message about your company and its employees. 

Shopify reviews wall app

Reviews Slider

Unique Review Slider Template is a perfect match for any product or service page – add the review widget related to a specific product or service you offer on dedicated pages to advertise them, showing the performance of your offers. This method will help you overcome any doubt a potential customer or buyer might have when considering a purchase on your website. As a result, you’ll increase your conversion rate and have more applications and orders.

Shopify reviews slider app

Masonry of Reviews with Header

Embed this unique masonry template for your pricing page to highlight that your offer is a good value for its money. It’s a good idea to add a grid of your best customer reviews on the pricing page or in the shopping cart, for example, to encourage visitors to make a positive purchase decision without hesitation. A developed header with tabs of various platforms proves your trust and rating across the web, so why not use their full potential in your customres’ journey?

Shopify reviews page app

List of Reviews

This template is the best choice for any lead page, because building trust with your audience and potential customers is very important for  successful lead acquisition. By adding real customer feedback from world known review platforms you can boost visitor engagement  and minimize bounce rates. That’s why placing a review section of this template on the front page of your website can be critical to improving your business.

Shopify list of reviews app

More All-in-One Reviews Examples in Our Catalog of Templates

Template Catalog

Explore 100+ Reviews templates

Check out more of ready-made templates for any use case or build your own one!
Embed credibility on the website with a reviews widget and share feedback from real customers.
Carousel Reviews
Add rotating carousel reviews to enhance engagement on your website.
Badge Reviews
Embed a badge widget for quick access to insights and customer reviews on your website.
Create a reviews widget to post feedback from verified users on your ecommerce website page.
Embed local business reviews on your website and build community trust.
Sidebar Reviews
Add a reviews template with an accessible sidebar format to your website.
Reviews Slider
Add an interactive reviews widget with a slider to your website page.
No Suitable Template?
You can easily assemble the widget you need using our simple-to-use configurator.


The widget with reviews of your products and services from the trusted external platforms adds valuable information for your customers and website visitors. The fact that you include real reviews on your Shopify website inspires trust, convinces customers of your reliability, and adds to boosting your overall business performance. You should also make the most of your customers’ opinions and use their justified criticism and suggestions to optimize your business. 

The Elfsight Customer Reviews App is powerful enough to add social proof to your company’s reputation. Your potential customers will know that you are a trusted brand that is ready to solve any problems a client might have. Customer feedback gives you insight on how to improve your product and the overall shopping experience. Don’t miss this opportunity to upgrade your website and business.

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