Music Players

Music Players templates for website

Elevate your website's audio experience with the coding-free Music Players templates. From sleek inline players to always-visible sticky players, there is a style for every design. Choose the perfect player to enhance user engagement and transform your online presence!
G2 Badges
Music Playlist
Add a playlist widget to a website to amplify your music's reach and boost engagement.
Inline Audio Player
Embed a player plugin on a website to keep your inline audio content flowing, enhancing the user experience.
Embedding a player plugin on a website lets you integrate various audio formats and media content types.
Creating a player template for a website is perfect for embedding MP3 files and allowing visitors to listen instantly.
Add a player template to a website and maintain a constant audio presence with a sticky format.
Embed a player widget on a website to craft an immersive soundscape with continuous music.
Create a player plugin for a website to streamline the uncluttered music experience with simplicity in mind.
Add a player widget to a website to allow audio to play in a convenient popup window.
Embed a player plugin on a website to share various audio content and enhance the listening experience.
Add a player template to a website and share music from Vimeo, boosting engagement on your page.
Embed a music player widget on a website and share your musical journey from the Twitch channel.
Create a player widget for a website and integrate the world of YouTube music, offering a polished listening experience.
Adding a player template to a website helps showcase your SoundCloud tracks with unparalleled style.
Embedding a player widget on a website lets you share music from Wista and offer a high-quality listening experience.
Creating a music player plugin helps connect your website to Spotify and keeps listeners coming back for more.
No Suitable Template?
You can easily assemble the widget you need using our simple-to-use configurator.

Why are Elfsight Music Players templates the best?

Capture the audience’s attention and enhance their auditory journey with one of the coding-free Music Players templates on your website. By employing Elfsight’s user-friendly interface, you can upload or connect audio files, tailor the Audio Player widget to reflect your brand’s style, and create the piece of code in a matter of minutes. Streamline the process of sharing your tunes, podcasts, or audio tracks!

Why Elfsight Music Players are the Best?

Music Players Features and Integrations

Unlimited Audio Upload
Multiple File Sources
Several File Format Support
Track Info
Call-to-Action Buttons
Download Button
Advanced Player Controls
Default Player Settings
Remember Track Progress
Tracklist Display
2 Layout Designs
Custom Color Settings
CSS & JavaScript Editors
Coding-Free Editor
Page-Speed Friendly Lazy Loading
Easy Website Integration

How to add Music Players to website

If you’re looking to add the Music Players template to your website page, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Elfsight account.
  2. Extract the auto-generated setup code.
  3. Navigate to your website editor.
  4. Insert the code and save the changes. Done!

For further assistance, address the Elfsight Support Team or refer to our blog post for guidance on how to embed a Music Player to any website.


Can I embed the Music Players widget without coders?

Yes, it’s within your reach! You can add the Music Players template to your website via the auto-generated ready-to-use code snippet. Consequently, engaging a developer or depending on a third-party coding app is unnecessary.

How can I add tracks to the Audio Player widget?

You can add songs to the Audio Player widget through the “Tracks” menu. Click the “Add Tracks” button, pick one of the available sources, and upload the audio files.

What website builders and CMS are compatible with the Music Players widget?

With a compatibility rate of 99.9%, our widgets are the ultimate solution for almost any website builder. Here are just some of the most common ones:

Squarespace, Wix, HTML, Webflow, WordPress, Shopify, Elementor, Google Sites, GoDaddy, iFrame, etc.

Where can I add the Music Players widget on my website?

You can add a player to various sections on your website to match your creative vision and user experience aims. These are the primary placements: the landing page, product listings, blog articles, about us page, and sidebar.

Can I customize the Music Players template?

You can definitely do this! Initiate the customization procedure by uploading your audio files. Following this, you can tweak the aesthetic features, including player controls, a tracklist display, colors, layouts, fonts, and more.

Are the Music Players templates mobile-friendly?

Indeed, they are! You can prevent bugs, as the Music Players templates excel on all gadgets: mobile phones, desktops, laptops, and tablets. The top-notch mobile-adaptive experience awaits you and your users using Elfsight!