Yottie “Header” Tab and How to Present YouTube Channel Info
Today we continue to describe in detail header settings sections presented in Yottie. The second guide relates to the tab, which allows completely customizing header of your YouTube Channel Plugin. So let’s take a closer look at this additional and yet not less significant tab.
Andrey Kozinskiy
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Our premium YouTube gallery has plenty of adjustable parameters, which you can manually customize as you wish. Today we continue to describe in detail “Header” settings sections presented in our plugin so that then you can easily navigate through all settings and customize needed parameters.
Manage Informative Header for Your Gallery
Header is a handy informative part of the YouTube gallery plugin. All information about YouTube videos and channels is available on users’ screens. Header settings include enabling or disabling various data parameters and after that presenting it the way you want.
Yottie header tab in action
After clicking on the concerned tab you will see the following settings:
“Show header” option
Header layout
Header info
Settings for a custom header
First of all, you can check or uncheck header. If you’d like to make accent only on video content then remove a mark and header won’t be shown.
YouTube plugin’s flexible customization allows you to adjust the header to your requirements. The next section will describe major possible cases in order to understand Yottie source functionality.
Main Use Cases of Yottie “Header” Tab
Let’s view several major variants of adjusting “Header” tab, which you can easily manage yourself on your website. Note that you can implement any case listed below or think out your own approach to the “Header” tab.
1. Header On
By default, header is on in your YouTube gallery. Thus, If you set some channel as a source, all content including channel’s banner, logo and description will appear in header. This case is great if you are going to promote your own YouTube channel or you’d like to present officially someone’s channel on your site.
Tip: If you show all videos in one group, we advise turning off groups names. To do so you have to select “Groups” tab and uncheck “Show groups” option.
2. Header Off
Strive to make your audience pay their attention to videos without any secondary information? You can definitely do this by unchecking header option. Your audience will see exactly the video gallery and nothing else. This case will also suit those, who display appropriate videos from others channels.
Tip: If you want to show several channels separately, create a gallery for each source and display it on your website. You can use Yottie as many times on one site as you wish.
3. Custom Header
Using Yottie you are able to make a playlist out of different YouTube videos by using various sources. You can create a custom header, which will show the topic of your video gallery, in this case. Learn more about custom header options in “Customize Yottie Header” section.
By the way, we recommend you to display logo and banner in HD so that your header will look awesomely on any browsing screen size.
Tip: Upload desired photos for custom logo and banner to any file storage service (for example, Google Drive), from where you will be able to copy the link to these files.
Choose Layout of Header
There are 3 available layouts for Yottie:
Classic – gives an overall view of the channel you set
Classic header layout
Accent – pays more attention to the name of the source and its description
Accent header layout
Minimal – occupies a minimal space in the gallery and pays attention primarily to the description of your channel
Minimal header layout
Each layout has its own unique appearance and any of them can be used depending on your taste and location of YouTube channel gallery on the web page.
Choose one of three header layouts
Display Needed Data in Header
No matter what header you’ve chosen for your gallery, there is always an opportunity to choose only needed information in it. You can turn on/off the following info in Yottie header:
Channel name
Channel description
Videos counter
Subscribers counter
Views counter
Subscribe button
Decide what information should be presented in Yottie header
Your web guests are able to subscribe your YouTube channel by clicking on the appropriate button on conditions that they log in YouTube account. You just have to turn on the “Subscribe” button in settings of Yottie header. The round number of your YouTube subscribers will be shown in the header.
Customize Yottie Header
Don’t have your own YouTube channel or don’t want to show someone else’s header? You can create your own header by managing the following info elements:
Channel name – give a custom name for your YouTube gallery
Channel description – describe your custom YouTube header (for example, what you are going to show in the video gallery and what’s the goal of the whole thing)
Logo – upload any desired logo of a custom YouTube channel by setting its URL (the size of the image should be 100×100)
Banner – upload the needed banner for your YouTube channel in the header by setting its URL (the size of the image should be 2120×352)
Create your own header for the video gallery
For example, you’d like to show reviews of your some product on its page. To do this you have to find the proper videos and insert their URLs in Yottie source field. To ensure that your audience will notice this videos you can create a custom header with company’s logo and description of the YouTube gallery.
By the way, you can also customize only those info elements, which you’d like to show. So if you don’t want to display channel name or logo then just leave these fields empty. By using Yottie you are able to choose the appropriate channel name, description and to upload any photo for your logo and banner.
More Tabs
Moreover, we decided to say few words about other tabs, which have fewer parameters and are quicker in installation. You can find two modest tabs above Yottie “Header” tab: Sizes and Languages. Each of them is also indispensable for a perfect presentation of YouTube videos on your website.
Manage sizes of your YouTube channel plugin. You can set any value (from 100 to 2580 pixels) only for the width of your video gallery as height depends on content options (number of columns and rows). The width of your gallery is set as “Responsive” by default.
Control sizes of YouTube gallery
If you’d like to define a custom value, just uncheck the responsive mode and move slider left or right to get the needed size.
Our YouTube plugin supports 16 languages so that you will be able to make the content understandable for your audience no matter, where they are from. Just click on the pull-down menu and choose what language Yottie will speak with your audience. No surprise, English is set by default.
Choose any of 16 languages for Yottie UI
Use Our YouTube Gallery Templates to Customize Header
Stay tuned to our blog, as we are going to publish more guides for our plugins.
That’s all what we wanted to show you today. Hope our guide would come in handy and there will be new ways to improve your YouTube gallery.
If you have any kind of questions concerning our YouTube Plugin or Source tab in particular, then reach us via Elfsight Support Center. We will make everything clear!