Videography Pricing

Videography Pricing for website

Illuminate the vision of your services with the Videography Pricing template for websites. From cinematic wedding films to corporate promotional videos, this coding-free widget enables you to spotlight your services and attract clients seeking top-notch visual content.
Rated 4.8 out of 5 from over 800 reviews on G2.com
No credit card required
Easy installation
Works on 99.9% of websites
Free plan available
  • Custom Plan Column
  • Custom Price Settings
  • Endless Feature Mention
  • Multiple Tables Mode
  • Call-to-Action Buttons
  • 3 Layout Designs
  • Visibility Order
  • Customizable Column Skin
  • Advanced Coloring Settings
  • Custom CSS
  • Free-Coding Editor
  • Mobile Optimized
  • Page-Speed Friendly Lazy Loading
  • Easy Website Integration
Squarespace Pricing Table
Wix Pricing Table
Webflow Pricing Table
WordPress Pricing Table
Elementor Pricing Table
Shopify Pricing Table
HTML Pricing Table
Google Sites Pricing Table
Weebly Pricing Table
BigCommerce Pricing Table
Joomla Pricing Table
iFrame Pricing Table
OpenCart Pricing Table
Blogger Pricing Table
Facebook Page Pricing Table
Adobe Muse Pricing Table
Drupal Pricing Table
jQuery Pricing Table
Magento Pricing Table
GoDaddy Pricing Table
WooCommerce Pricing Table
Google Sites
Facebook Page
Adobe Muse
Template Catalog

Need a Different Template?

Check out more ready-made templates for any use case or build your own!
Add a pricing template to a website to share plans in a list format and make product comparisons effortless.
Price Comparison Table
Create a pricing template for a website and simplify the comparison between plans with this table.
Creating a pricing plugin for a website impresses your wholesale clients with transparent structures.
Embed a pricing widget on a website and present an effective tiered approach to pricing differentiation.
Adding a pricing template to your website store is the best way to highlight exclusive deals.
No Suitable Template?
You can easily assemble the widget you need using our simple-to-use configurator.

Here’s what people say about Elfsight Pricing Table widget


How to add the Videography Pricing template to the website?

To embed the Videography Pricing on your website, take the following steps:

  1. Personalize the appearance of the Pricing Table widget to match the design style of your site.
  2. Log in to your Elfsight dashboard panel or create a free user profile.
  3. Receive the generated embedding code.
  4. Access your website.
  5. Paste the shortcode into your website builder. It’s that simple!

What website platforms does the Videography Pricing widget integrate with?

It doesn’t matter which platform or CMS you use: the plugin enables you to add your Pricing Table to practically every website. But here’s a list of the top 10 most popular ones among our users:

Squarespace, Wix, HTML, Webflow, WordPress, Shopify, Elementor, Google Sites, GoDaddy, iFrame.

Do I need to have coding or programming skills to embed the Videography Pricing?

Not at all. No need for trials—forget about searching for a third-party coder, enhancing the coding skills, or bringing in a skilled programmer—since you can add the Videography Pricing to the website yourself. Elfsight’s widgets are user-friendly and usable by people of diverse backgrounds, making them available to all.

Can I use the Videography Pricing template for free?

Sure. Elfsight introduces a selection of five subscription options: Free, Basic, Pro, Premium, and Enterprise. All plans are filled with custom elements and functionalities for you to tailor and effortlessly install the widget with an embed code. Begin with the Free package, but as you upgrade, the more exciting advantages you receive!

Where can I add the Videography Pricing on my website?

Consider these usual locations to add the widget to your website: rate page, front page, item pages, comparison page, and payment page. Nevertheless, the decision is solely yours, as Elfsight does not impose any rules or limitations. Aim for user visibility and accentuate the quality of your offerings.

How to customize the Videography Pricing?

Using a broad selection of custom features and elements allows you to showcase ingenuity in developing the optimal widget. Here’s the breakdown of capabilities:

  • Content
    As you build your pricing list, make sure to segment the tiers and mention all aspects for potential customers. Add columns, headings, captions, features, costs, CTA buttons, images, and the primary skin color. Should you require tables with different billing periods, enable “Multiple Tables Mode.”
  • Layout settings
    Elfsight provides a selection of readily available layouts: Grid, Columns, and Table. Pick the option that meets your needs and arrange the order and visibility of the elements.
  • Custom elements and features
    However, there are still countless things awaiting exploration, including the column skin, color schemes, round corners, borders, fonts, text alignments, feature styles, CSS editor, and many more.

Don’t worry about any questions or obstacles along the way—our committed Customer Support Team is always available to help you, guaranteeing a seamless experience from start to finish!

Help with Videography Pricing Setup and Website Installation

To enhance your experience with widget template exploration, we’ve collected a range of resources. Have a look at the following: