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Using Wix XML sitemap

Your Wix sitemap gives search engines the info like what exactly pages are there on your website and when they were last updated. Each Wix website is provided with a sitemap that is automatically updated with all the current users’ info. But there also might occur some situations when you might need to submit your Wix site map manually. Let’s see how you can do it.

How to submit your wix sitemap

To do it, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Google Search Console account.
  2. Find the Sitemaps in the left-hand menu. Click it.
  3. Type sitemap.xml in the text field next to your domain.
  4. Select the “Submit” option.

Keep in mind that your sitemap should be created in the XML format, not HTML as there might be an error message in the Google Search Console. 

Now let’s see how you can submit your Wix sitemap to other search engines.

Which way to submit Wix site map to Bing and Yahoo search

Frequently, you may find it necessary to submit your sitemap to Bing or Yahoo to get your Wix site spotted by the users of these search engines. Carry out these instructions: 

  • Open to the Bing Webmaster Tools admin panel, and then sign in using your login and password. 
  • Look for the “Sitemap” widget on the prime screen of your dashboard, and then open the Sitemap tool. 
  • Paste the URL of your site map into the input field in the bottom-right corner, and select the “Submit” option. The URL of your sitemap will be submitted to Bing and just thereafter - added to your register of sitemaps above the input box. 

Remember that in case you wish your Wix site to come out in Yahoo search, you’ll also need to submit your site map to Bing as long as Yahoo Search results issue from the Yahoo crawler (Slurp) and Bing's web. And to maintain how your website appears in Yahoo Search you’ll need to use meta tags along with robots.txt. with submitting the site map. 

Which way to add sitemap to robots.txt.

Your robots.txt. file is a simple text that is stored in the root directory of your Wix website. The robots.txt. file is there to demonstrate search engines which exactly areas of your site should be crawled/indexed, and which ones shouldn’t. Also, it displays what search engines have permission to crawl your Wix site and sitemap. And it’s really important to get this file on your site because it’s the first thing a search engine bot will dig for before performing any other sort of actions with a sitemap. 

Similarly robots.txt. file does, a site map allows search engines to crawl into and then index the pages of your Wix website gathered in one place. You may create the robots.txt. file that will incorporate your sitemap by following these clear actions described below: 

Look for your Wix site map URL

In case you or the developer you cooperate with have previously made your sitemap, then it’s probably placed at http: //www. Xml. The word “Example” here can be swapped out with your Wix domain name. You are welcome to make sure if it’s true by placing this URL in the browser where you will either spot your sitemap or the 404 not found page implying that this location does not contain your sitemap. 

You can also use the help of Google search operators. All you have to do here is just write site: filetype: xml in Google's search bar. 

In case you can’t find your site map, then probably it does not exist. When this occurs, generate the sitemap on your own or request for assistance from a skilled programmer. 

Look for your robots.txt. file

Just like it was with your sitemap, you can check that your robots.txt. is present on your website by typing http: //www., and swap out the “example” by your domain. In case it appears that you haven’t got this file, in this occasion you have to compile one and make sure that it was attached to the root of your server before attaching your site map there. 

Attach your Wix site map to your robots.txt. file

Last of all you’ll need to attach your site map location into your robots.txt. file. In order to do this, you’ll have to rearrange your file by adjoining a directive with the URL of your sitemap. In the issue, your robots.txt. file will look like this: 

Sitemap: http: //www. Xml

User-agent: *


What to do if it happens that Wix site map contains URLs which are blocked by robots.txt.

Frequently, there might be a situation just as you get a trigger warning for your site in Search Console for "Site map includes URLs that are blocked by robots.txt.". If you need to do so, this guidance can be ignored. But if you haven’t got much experience, you definitely have to check and see if all’s well with the functioning of your sitemap. 

More often than not, blocked sitemap URLs are typically caused by those programmers who improperly construct their robots.txt. file. Every time you’re disallowing, you have to double-check you understand what you’re up to and what alterations will be indicated on your site map. Otherwise, the alarm will be demonstrated and the web crawlers won’t have the power to crawl your Wix website. 

So, before attempting to work out the "site map includes URLs that are blocked by robots.txt." issue, make sure you’ve done the following things: 

  • Test for any Disallow rules within your robots.txt. of your Wix site. The robots.txt. file should be contained within your root directory, just like it is demonstrated here: 
  • Supposing your Wix website traveled from HTTP to HTTPS, then check that you’ve formed a new property for its HTTPS version and as well that the robots.txt. file can be accessed via HTTPS. 
  • To see what hints or errors are being presented for your site, put to use robots.txt. Tester tool that is available in the Search Console. 

Frequently, your robots.txt. can be cached. It means that you must spare Google some time to re-crawl your Wix website. There’s even a possibility to try to submit once more your website to Google Search Console in case there are any problems that were addressed. 

You can even by hand ask Google to crawl your Wix website. For this to happen, navigate to your Search Console account, find the “Crawl” area and then choose “Fetch as Google”. There you may add the URL path within your sitemap that Google was notifying you about and select “Fetch”. When all’s restarted, click the “Request Indexing” and choose “Crawl only this URL” in your site map. 

Just as any alterations have been performed to the robots.txt. file, it will require some time for Google to re-crawl your Wix site. And if you are sure that all the conflicting Disallow rules are eliminated, then it’s only a matter of time for Google to make its job on your Wix website. 

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