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How to Add and Use Google Analytics on Wix

You can track information about how visitors behave on your site using Google Analytics. You may view the number of visitors to a page, where they came from, how long they stayed, and what keywords they used to find the website of yours.

Why you should connect Google Analytics to Wix

Google Analytics gives website owners tons of information about their visitors and the overall success of web pages. Here are the main advantages you’ll get by using it:

  1. You'll be able to see how many users depart without engaging with website content (it’s called bounce rate, and you’ll find more about it further in this article).
  2. You'll see where the majority of the traffic originates.
  3. You'll find out what amount of time users spend on specific web pages.
  4. And there's so much more.

Before getting GA on Wix, you should create an account in Analytics and get a Tracking ID.

What you need to add GA to your Wix site

To connect Google Analytics to Wix, you’ll have to stick to some terms. Here are the requirements:

  1. You'll need to have a Premium site and a linked domain to use Google Analytics.
  2. Google Analytics 4 is a new sort of property that has been added to the platform (GA4). You can use a Google Analytics 4 property ID. You may only track events on your site with one property at a time.
  3. If there’s a cookie consent banner on your website, Google Analytics will start working only after the visitor approves that he/she allows the tool to use the relevant cookies.

Before you start: register for Google Analytics

If you have already registered at Google, you can proceed with the steps below to open a new Analytics account. 

Follow directions below to launch your account: 

  1. Get to Google Analytics and log in with your Google account. 
  2. Find ‘Admin’ at the bottom of your left sidebar. 
  3. See the left drop-down list and click ‘Create new account’. 
  4. After this, the setup page of your new Analytics account will occur. 
  5. Fill in all the required fields and save your edits. 
  6. You’ve successfully created a Google Analytics account! 
If you already have a Google My Business account, consider placing Google Reviews on your website to improve your website performance.

The next step is to get a Universal Analytics tracking ID. 

How to get Google Analytics Tracking ID

  1. If you aren’t logged into your Google account, do it, and then click the 'Admin' tab at the top of the page. 
  2. Make sure you’ve selected the correct ‘Property’ and ‘Account’. 
  3. After you’ve done it, click on the 'Tracking Info', choose 'Tracking Code' and you’ll see the Tracking ID of yours. 
  4. Copy the Tracking ID and enter it in the Google Analytics Account Number field. 
  5. Click ‘Save’.

Bear in mind that sometimes it takes up to 24 hours for your Wix statistics to retrieve to Google Analytics. After it’s finished, you’ll be able to go ahead to using the analytics and getting helpful data for your website stats. 

Now we’ll check whether your event tracking works appropriately. 

How to check if Google Analytics event tracking is working

In certain cases, you can manually confirm. If you see there are suspiciously few visitors on your website, then go to the 'Real Time > Events' panel in the Analytics and double check if everything’s ok. 

Sometimes it can be a pretty difficult task. If you’re still doubtful if the event setup was executed appropriately or if your Wix website is actually busy, then identifying any good effect of your changes becomes nearly impossible. Make sure that the event tracking is working appropriately on your website for it is a substantial constituent of employing Google Analytics. And Google has a tool to make it easier for you to find this out. It’s called Google Analytics Debugger. It is a Chrome extension which can be easily found on the Chrome web store. 

After installing it to your browser, go to the page where you have created Google events. Right click any element of the web page to open the console, and after that choose the console tab. Afterwards, follow the guide below: 

  1. Click the plugin icon. This will start the plugin. 
  2. The page will refresh and the console will be full of. 
  3. If you see this, everything works fine. 
  4. If you wish to have it in a pure state, click the 'Clear Console' button in the top left. 

It’s better to spend some time on researching the console and its work as it will be of a really great help in understanding what data exactly is being sent to Analytics. 

How can I identify the most popular pages on Google Analytics

After your Tracking ID has been found and the stats on your Wix website can be viewed, it’s appropriate time to observe which pages achieve the most views per year. First, look at the left sidebar and search for the 'Behaviour' section. After clicking it, choose 'Site content',

GA sidebar - all pages

There, you’ll see a generated report for all of your content and the overall amount of page views. Remember that ’page views’ are counted as the number of times the page was loaded by browsers. It’s an initial way of evaluating your reputation, but it will assist you in quickly revealing your top pieces of content. All you need to do is to glance through the list of the most visited pages of your website and feature the needed ones. 

Tip:If there’s any outdated Wix content in the Analytics report, it’s a wonderful opportunity to alter it for approaching use, for instance you can add some new facts and get rid of the outdated info. Refreshing the existing content is a good idea as it doesn’t demand as much time as it takes to create new materials.

After you get through the basics, let’s check whether Google Analytics operates appropriately on your website. 

How to check if Google Analytics is working fine

Using the Analytics tool on your Wix site correctly is crucial as it can’t gather stats correctly if something was done incorrectly. And the first thing you should verify if anything goes wrong is the tracking code - it must be active on your website. In addition to other tools, you’ll also need Google Analytics Debugger. 

You can use Google Analytics to regulate your tracking code as well. 

Like we said before, the instruments can be discovered on Google Chrome Web Store. Install it if you still don’t have it and then follow this easy guide: 

  1. Open the website that needs to be tested. 
  2. To turn the Debugger on, click on the Debugger icon in your browser. 
  3. To open the JavaScript console in Chrome, press 'Ctrl-Shift-J'. 
  4. Click the 'Console' section to look through the info about your Analytics code and check if it contains any messages about errors. 

For other browsers there are also a bunch of plugins created, for instance, Analytics Debugger or Ghostery. Set up one of them to prevent your work with Analytics from any inconveniences. 

After you’ve made sure everything works correctly, you can start tracking other enhanced metrics for your Wix website. 

What is the bounce rate in Google Analytics and why you should track it

Bounce rate in Google Analytics stands for a situation when a user visits a Wix website page and then gets out without triggering other requests to Analytics, for example opening some other pages, clicking call-to-actions, and so on. So, if a user visits your website page from search, then browses the page, but does not interact with your website in any other considerable way or click any internal links, then such a user is regarded to be bounced. 

As a result, bounce rate is defined as the percentage of sessions that result in bounce - sessions that start and end on the same page. Each page’s bounce rate impacts the site's total bounce rate. 

Tip: If you know that there’s a page on your Wix website or a set of pages that you know may affect your overall percentages, they may be excluded from your Analytics reports.

You can find information on bounce rates of your Wix website on the Conversion, Behavior, and Acquisition tabs of the GA left sidebar. 

In case you are not satisfied with the bounce rate, you should consider to implement some engaging UI elements. For example, you have a chance to embed Google reviews on any website.

Is there any difference between escape and bounce rate in Google Analytics? 

Some reports in Google Analytics include the Escape rate metric. It differs from the Bounce rate and here’s how. 

Bounce rate shows up in the report in the event of a sole page session occurrence on your Wix site. On the contrary, if a user lands on any of your ecommerce site page, then moves to the shopping cart or product page and leaves, this exit impacts Exit rate. 

Why should I track my website’s bounce rates? 

Bounce rate is a significant metric for understanding in what way your website visitors use some specific pages on your website. Knowing it, you can enhance your business strategies by implementing Analytics to motivate your website visitors to interact with your Wix website pages. 

Keep in mind that in individual cases huge bounce rates are not by definition a bad thing. Here’s why: 

  • It’s ok if your bounce rate is high if there’s only one page on your website. For instance, it can be a landing page, or if you have content that is meant for a single-page session. 
  • High bounce rates are unpleasant for websites that depend on users’ visiting more than one page - ecommerce first of all. 
  • If you still want users to stay longer on your website, you should think of using various UI elements for users engagement, like Wix Google Review widget.

After you’ve come up with the best strategy on working with bounce rates on your Wix website, it’s time to take advantage of other Analytics features. Including tracking campaign URLs. 

How to to find tagged URL data in Google Analytics

Tagging URLs with UTM codes helps web administrators determine certain referral sources in Analytics for your Wix site. With the help of this feature, you can isolate users referred to particular campaigns to better comprehend how they act and form more precise lists of audience. 

So, if you wish to start applying URLs with UTMs across your marketing campaigns, you’ll need to know where to look in Analytics to explore the information the tags provide. 

GA Aquisition - analytics for Wix

If everything was prepared correctly, go to the Acquisition section in the left panel of the Google Analytics, then choose Campaigns and click All Campaigns.

All the data there will be broken down by name of the campaign. Bear in mind that if your marketing campaign has received zero clicks, the URL won’t be mentioned in the reports until it’s been clicked. 

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