The best Landingi integrations

A selection of free widgets with wide functionality for increasing sales and user activity. Simple integration, wide range of settings, ongoing customer support.
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The most optimal solution for your Landingi website

the best free landingi integrations for your website

A team of specialists at Elfsight releases functional and flexible integrations for almost ten years. They assist business websites all over the world and cope with tasks more efficiently: uplevel sales level, promote positive on your, improve trust to your brand. Our widgets are very easy to add into your website and even on the FB tab. Tariffs differ from free to premium. Start applying any suitable widget now – decide how much it applicable in terms of development of your business.

What makes Elfsight integrations special?

Here’s a list of key advantages of our widgets, they allow us be better than competitors:

  • Free support in adding of each integration;
  • Automatic adaptation to any screen sizes;
  • No coding skills required;
  • Extensive style options;
  • Cloud service allows uplevel the speed of work;
  • Permanent free updates;
  • Competent support of issues;

Test free version of our tools and check its features or buy selected widget with a 30% off.

How can I embed your integration on the Landingi web page

In order to embed the tool, get acquainted with detailed instructions.

  1. Select the required tool and configure it according to your needs. Save.
  2. Add the code of to your site.
  3. The installation of the widget is finished.

If you need advice on adding of the widget, you can always contact the Elfsight support team.

How can I embed the integrations to my Landingi template?

You can integrate the apps into your site. Just go to the administrator board and perform the following actions:

  1. Go to theme settings;
  2. Pick the block where you want to integrate the app;
  3. Paste the code from the Elfsight Apps and save your adjustments.
  4. Simple as that.

What Landingi versions and themes can be compatible with Elfsight integrations?

Elfsight integrations can be added on any versions or templates of a Landingi site. We guarantee a stable performance of our tools.

Where will I edit Elfsight integrations?

You will be able to do required adjustments in the settings in the initiative Elfsight admin panel.

Could I email Help specialists in the event that I need a hand with the customizing the Landingi integration only?

All our users can email the trained Elfsight center to ask for assistance on the performance of the solutions.

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