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Facebook pixel on Squarespace

Facebook pixel is a special tool that is used to track the visitor activity on a website and help Facebook understand users and target them for ads. For instance, if a user views some product, the pixel can see that information so that you could show ads with this product for the same visitor later. 

Facebook Pixel will become a great help for any business. And in this guide we’ll see how to add the pixel to your Squarespace website and add the data the pixel collects about the visitors of your website. 

What is Facebook pixel ID

As we’ve already mentioned above, Facebook pixel is there to help you track conversions from Facebook ads, optimize them, build targeted audiences for future ads and remarket to people who have already taken some kind of action on your website.

How does it work

Facebook pixel places triggering cookies to track the users who interact with your business on the web somehow - both on and off Facebook and Instagram. Pixel tracks different actions users take on your website - these actions are called “events”. Here they are:

  • Purchase - when a user completes a purchase on your website.
  • Lead - when someone signs up for a trial period or identifies them as lead in any other way on your website.
  • CompleteRegistration - when a user completes a registration form of any kind on your Squarespace site.
  • AddPaymentInfo - a user enters their payment info while making a purchase on your website.
  • Add to cart - when a user ads one of your products to the shopping cart on your website.
  • Add to wishlist - when someone adds any product to wishlist on your website.
  • InitiateCheckout - a user starts a checkout process to buy a product from your website. 
  • Search - a user performed a search session to find anything on your website. 
  • View content - a user landed on some specific page of your website. 
  • Contact - a user contacted your business somehow. 
  • Customize product - a user has chosen a specific version of your product such as selecting some color. 
  • Donate - someone has made a donation on your site. 
  • Find location - a user performed a search to find your company’s physical location. 
  • Schedule - a user booked an appointment at your business. 
  • Start trial - someone has signed up to try a free version of your product. 
  • Submit application - a user applied for your product or service. 
  • Subscribe - a user subscribed to your services.

Facebook tracks this data on the following pages of your Squarespace website:

  • Store pages
  • Checkout page
  • Pages with search blocks
  • Pages with newsletter blocks or promotional pop ups
  • Pages where your visitors can create an account

Now that you’ve found out what actions you can track with the help of Facebook pixel, let’s proceed to the next step.

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What are the main benefits of Facebook pixel

After you add Facebook pixel to your website, you’ll increase your chances of uplifting the ROI on your Facebook ad spend. As pixel ensures your ads are seen by the users who are more likely to take the action you want them to, you can improve your conversion rates and get better ROI on your Squarespace site. And even if you’re still not sure if you’re going to use the Facebook pixel, it’s better to add it now as it will start collecting the data right away and you won’t need to start from scratch when you finally decide to use it.

Facebook pixel is also a great tool helping you understand how exactly people are interacting with your website and view your Facebook ads. There’s even an opportunity to track customers across their devices. That’s how you’ll understand how your audiences interact with your products or services.

The pixel option allows you to demonstrate ads of the products people leave abandoned on their shopping carts or added to wishlist on your Squarespace site. The data your pixel collects allows you to form lookalike audiences of users who have the same interests and demographics to the users who already interact with your Squarespace website somehow. By means of this function you can multiply your customer base.

How to add Facebook pixel to Squarespace

In case you’ve set up Facebook pixel by adding the code to code injection, you’ll have to remove this code to apply the built-in integration. Your data in Facebook would not be affected by removing the code as long as you add the pixel ID right after you’ve removed the code. This step is optional.

To remove your code, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Squarespace website.
  2. Go to the Home menu, click Settings, and then find Advanced and click it.
  3. Find the Code Injection option and click it.
  4. Look at the header field and delete any pixel code you’ve added there previously. you are only to delete the code beginning with <! -- Facebook Pixel Code -->. If you delete anything else here, this could lead to breaking other site customizations that were added in the Code injection field. 
  5. Find the Order Confirmation Page field, and look for the similar pixel code. Then delete it.
  6. Click the Save button that can be found on the top of the panel. 

In case you have any other Facebook code added on some individual pages of your Facebook website, remove it from Page Header Code Injection. 

Acquire your Facebook pixel ID

To start using Facebook pixel with Squarespace, you’re going to need your pixel ID. It can be found in your Facebook ads manager - simply open the navigation menu and then click on Pixels in the “Measure and Report” section. In case your Facebook pixel was created, you’ll find it there. Copy it to add it to your Squarespace site later.

In case your Facebook pixel is not created yet, you can create it to add it on your Squarespace website later. To do it, go to the Ad Manager or Power Editor on Facebook - there you’ll find all the options to create your pixel for adding it to your website later.

  1. Log in to your Facebook account on the web browser you use.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow in the upper right menu bar next to the Quick Help (?) icon.
  3. Open your Facebook ads manager and click Connect to Data Sources.
  4. Select Web.
  5. Select Get Started to continue.
  6. Click Facebook Pixel and then - Connect. 
  7. Give your pixel a name, enter your website’s URL and then click Continue.

Now you can add the Facebook pixel to your Squarespace site.

Add the Facebook pixel ID to Squarespace

To add your Facebook Pixel ID to your website, perform the following actions:

  1. Click Marketing in the Home menu, then click Facebook Pixel & Ads.
  2. Find the field below Pixel ID and add the pixel ID you copied from Facebook.
  3. Save the changes.

Now you can start viewing the visitor data on Facebook.

Start viewing your visitors’ data

Right after you add your Facebook pixel to your Squarespace website, it will start tracking events we’ve mentioned above. This information can be viewed directly in your Facebook account. Keep in mind that most data reaches Facebook in a minute or two, but sometimes it can take up to an hour for it to be collected there.

You can check if your Facebook pixel is working by seeing Facebook suggestions. To observe all the events and other pixel activity, log into your Facebook Events Manager. Also, you can get more info about understanding the pixel data, you can visit Facebook’s Advertiser Help Center.

About Facebook remarketing and retargeting

Facebook pixel is also necessary to help you reach your past visitors by means of ads. To be more precise, with the help of ads across Facebook’s ad network, Instagram included. Retargeting can be explained in three easy-to-understand steps:

  1. A website visitor engages with your brand somehow. 
  2. Facebook algorithms identify that person’s FB account. 
  3. This person starts seeing your ads on social media if you’re using them as a part of your retargeting audience.

According to studies, retargeting your website visitors is among the best marketing strategies. 

Here are some useful tips on how you can use it after you add Facebook pixel to your Squarespace website:

  • Try to have one retargeting campaign live 24/7.
  • Do not get carried away with segmenting your audiences too much.
  • Do not show ads to users who have made the conversion.
  • Demonstrate special offers to your audiences.

And these are the benefits you get from starting the Facebook remarketing campaign:

  • Your ads will take the center place at your potential customers’ feeds.
  • Ad blockers do not affect your Facebook ads demonstration.
  • Lots of information can be acquired through Facebook ads so you will target exactly who you need.

With Facebook remarketing, you can work with your ad campaigns so that it turns into some sort of a science. No matter how big your business is, there can always be a place for using the Facebook pixel on your website even if you’re not from the ecommerce sphere. The ability to target some specific users is a great chance for you to see what people are really interested in your brand and tune up your business in a way it meets the needs of a larger number of people. And the prime places for your Facebook ads will ensure growing conversion rates for your Squarespace website. 

Of course, you have to add and work with Facebook pixel carefully since the rash behaviour can cost you a lot. But experimenting with audiences and types of ads to show them can really be worth your time and effort. 

Keeping these things in mind, you can launch your Facebook retargeting campaign.

How to remove Facebook pixel from your Squarespace website

In case you want Facebook pixel to stop tracking the events on your website, follow these easy steps:

  • Go to the Home menu, click Marketing and then click Facebook Pixel & Ads.
  • Delete all the info in the Pixel ID section.
  • Save your changes.

As soon as you delete the pixel ID from your Squarespace site, Facebook will stop tracking new visitors’ data on your Squarespace website. But you still have the ability to view past events in your Facebook ads manager. 

Facebook pixel data and Squarespace Analytics

You can not synchronize your Facebook pixel data with Squarespace analytics and add it on your account dashboard. Your pixel activity can only be discovered on your Facebook Events Manager admin panel.

And by using Traffic Sources Analytics, you’ll get an opportunity to observe your traffic and conversion info unrelated to Facebook Pixel.

Facebook pixel code errors

In case you see a red error message on your Facebook pixel panel in your Squarespace account, but your code injection panel looks fine, you may have added your Facebook pixel ID in Google Tag Manager. 

This issue can be resolved by removing the pixel from Google Tag Manager and then publish the changes in Google. As soon as you do it, go to your Squarespace website and add Facebook pixel ID once again. 

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