Squarespace Portfolio template

Create your Portfolio plugin
Embed Portfolio on Squarespace with the Elfsight widget
Elfsight Portfolio plugin is designed for every user who is intended to embed their professional work on the website and get fresh customers. With the help of Elfsight widget, you will have an opportunity to show selections of shots, video content, schemes and other visual materials. Every project file can be accompanied by a complete description and date. You have a chance to link projects to their websites and spread projects in groups. Your audience will check your project portfolio, click on a project and study its content right on the home page. The header of the widget will display your name, photo and contact data, which facilitates the process of reaching you. Call-to-action button will take people to the purchase page and help you grow the amount of sales.
How can I embed a Portfolio to the Squarespace site?
The building of the widget occurs within the Elfsight site and you don’t need to learn coding. Open our live demo to form your own widget, acquire the code and paste it into your website.
The best ways to use online portfolio integration
We offer lots of adjustment possibilities: full length widgets for embedding into the content area, floating widgets with scrolling feature, thumbnails for the footer, header and all sorts of vertical possibilities for website sidebars and menus.
May I create a video or image portfolio by means of your editor?
You are welcome to build any widget’s alterations. There are many layouts applicable in the editor, and all of them can be swiftly customized just as you lack.
Main features of the Portfolio widget
In order to have a clear idea of Portfolio, you can study the list of the most outstanding features. They make the widget maximum beneficial for your website:
- Add multiple projects and add project titles;
- Set categories and split projects to them
- Choose the types of info to show in popup and hover;
- Add descriptions and assign dates to the works in the project
- Call-to-action button on the header and in the popup brings customers to any website or page
How do I add Portfolio on my Squarespace website?
Just take the following steps presented below to insert the plugin.
- Open our free demo
and start building your unique instrument.
Determine the desirable layout and options of the plugin and apply the corrections. - Copy the unique code appearing in the box on Elfsight Apps.
Right after the generation of your plugin is complete, copy the individual code at the emerged box and save it for future occasion. - Initiate applying the tool on a Squarespace web page.
Implement the code you’ve saved before into your website and save the corrections. - Done! The integration is
successfully ended.
Visit your page to see in action, how the tool works.
On condition of having inquiries or running into any complications, have no hesitation to get in touch with our customer service team. Our consultants will be happy to resolve all the difficulties you might have with the plugin