jQuery Event Calendar plugin

Manage and share events on your website with an interactive and user-friendly event calendar into your jQuery website effortlessly.
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jQuery Event Calendar plugin

Create your Event Calendar plugin

Configure your Event Calendar and add it to your jQuery website for free!


jQuery Event Calendar plugin
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Embed Event Calendar with Elfsight Widget

The Elfsight Calendar is a powerful plugin enabling you effortlessly share your activities with the rest of the world. It features plenty of options for displaying upcoming events the most representative way. Personalize it to blend the design with your website’s styling. Construct unlimited amount of events, add multiple tags, upload your custom images and videos, and keep your users notified about your agenda.

An interactive jQuery calendar plugin creates awareness about the area of interest of your enterprise. Besides, it raises the popularity of your business as you create more events. You have an opportunity to publish your jQuery event calendar widget on all pages of your jQuery website or only on selected ones. The jQuery event calendar on your website also empowers you to embed more content for your site which is always good for search engines as an example of through work you perform on your website. Search engines are always looking at your site and when finding fresh content like your responsive event calendar, they rank your site as significantly more appropriate and can uplevel chances of choosing your site when users perform an online search. In addition to events, adding a scheduling calendar may bring value to your website in the eyes of your clients. You are welcome to employ the jQuery scheduling calendar to add more participation among your clients. Like a blog post, a responsive jQuery event calendar is there to help you interact with your customers by motivating them to sign up for some particular events and even be able to recommend other occasions that they may want to visit. Integrating such an option to display events on your jQuery website is easy.

Our Events Calendar widget can help you swiftly display your future events and enhance the engagement level on your website.

Main features of Event Calendar Plugin

Check all the functional traits of jQuery Event Calendar. They are available directly in the editor and they will help you create the widget right for your needs.

  • Use workable content opportunities to accommodate the calendar for your type of events.
  • Give users an opportunity add your events to their most used calendars.
  • Generate various types of events, mark locations and add hosts.
  • Classify all your events and confer them tags.
  • Choose between 4 layout options.

Check all other functions in the demo

How do I add Event Calendar on my jQuery website?

To add widget, apply the instructions below.

  • Create your personal Event Calendar plugin
    Managing our free demo, create a widget with a custom layout and functional traits.
  • Receive the personal code to publish the plugin
    After you have created your widget, you will get your installation code from the popup notification on Elfsight Apps. Copy the code for further use.
  • Embed the plugin on your website
    Define the place you need to integrate the widget to and paste the saved code there. Save the edits.
  • Done!
    Enter your website, to see your Calendar widget.

Take a minute to reach our customer support in case you need help or having queries. Our specialists will be happy to help with every enquiry.

Which way do I embed an Event Calendar to the Joomla site?

The construction of the widget is performed within the Elfsight site and there’s no need to code. Open our live demo to build your own app, acquire the code and paste it in your website.

The best ways to use online calendar integration

We offer many adjustment options: full-size widgets for inserting into the content zone, floating widgets for scrolling opportunities, thumbnails for the footer of your website, head section and all variations of vertical possibilities for website sidebars and menus.

How do I build a Club Events or Slider Calendar through the agency of the editor?

You are welcome to build any widget’s alterations. There are many layouts available in the editor, and all of them can be easily personalized the way you need.


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