AI Shopping Assistant solution for website

Revolutionize an online experience with our AI Shopping Assistant template for websites. It guides customers through their purchasing journey, offering personalized recommendations based on preferences and behavior. Make shopping a delightful experience and watch your sales soar!
Rated 4.8 out of 5 from over 800 reviews on
No credit card required
Easy installation
Works on 99.9% of websites
Free plan available
  • Unlimited Chats & Users
  • Advanced AI Model
  • Email Chat Transcripts
  • Follow-Up Messages
  • Customer Recognition Settings
  • Multiple Format Responses
  • Custom Greetings
  • Chat Experience Across Pages
  • Auto-Close Inactive Chats
  • AI Training with Files and Q&A
  • Auto-Generated Instructions
  • Conversation Starters
  • Agent's Name & Avatar
  • Chat Bubble Personalization
  • Legal Notices Disclaimer
  • Return to Last Message Button
  • Advanced Design Settings
  • 75+ Localization Languages
  • Custom CSS Editor
  • Custom JS Editor
  • Coding-Free Editor
  • Mobile Responsiveness
  • Page-Speed Friendly Lazy Loading
  • Fast Website Integration
Squarespace AI Chatbot
Wix AI Chatbot
Webflow AI Chatbot
WordPress AI Chatbot
Elementor AI Chatbot
Shopify AI Chatbot
HTML AI Chatbot
Google Sites AI Chatbot
Weebly AI Chatbot
BigCommerce AI Chatbot
Joomla AI Chatbot
iFrame AI Chatbot
OpenCart AI Chatbot
Blogger AI Chatbot
Facebook Page AI Chatbot
Adobe Muse AI Chatbot
Drupal AI Chatbot
jQuery AI Chatbot
Magento AI Chatbot
GoDaddy AI Chatbot
WooCommerce AI Chatbot
Google Sites
Facebook Page
Adobe Muse
Template Catalog

Need a Different Template?

Check out more ready-made templates for any use case or build your own!
Conversation Chatbot
Embed a chatbot widget on a website to drive conversations with meaningful exchanges that resonate.
Lead Generation Chatbot
Create a chatbot plugin for a website to generate leads in real time and streamline your sales process.
Ecommerce Chatbot
Create a chatbot widget for a website to elevate your ecommerce strategy and provide exceptional service.
AI Marketing
Embed an AI chatbot template on a website to streamline your marketing efforts.
AI Sales
Add an AI chatbot template to a website to accelerate your sales pipeline and boost revenue.
No Suitable Template?
You can easily assemble the widget you need using our simple-to-use configurator.

Here’s what people say about Elfsight AI Chatbot widget


How to integrate the AI Shopping Assistant into the website?

To embed the AI Shopping Assistant solution on your website, follow these steps:

  1. Build and train the AI Assistant widget to cater to the business specifications.
  2. Log in to your Elfsight dashboard panel or set up a free profile.
  3. Obtain the generated embedding code.
  4. Access your website.
  5. Paste the code into your website builder. You’re good to go!

If you need to get more details, there is a comprehensive post on how to add an AI Chatbot to any website. Check it out without any hesitation!

What website platforms does the AI Shopping Assistant widget integrate with?

You can create your AI Assistant widget for 99.9% of websites, no matter the platform and CMS. Here is a list of the top 10 frequently used ones among our users:

Squarespace, Wix, HTML, Webflow, WordPress, Shopify, Elementor, Google Sites, GoDaddy, iFrame.

Do I need to have coding or programming skills to embed the plugin?

No, it’s not essential. Our AI widget is made to be exceptionally easy to use: there’s no need for coding knowledge, specialized coders, or a specialized programmer. Follow our concise instructions to modify and integrate the AI Shopping Assistant solution into a website on your own.

Can I use the AI Shopping Assistant template for free?

Yes. You can build the AI integration with entire feature access using the Free plan, encompassing all the fundamental capabilities and customization options. Should you desire to explore further perks, we offer four other subscription categories—Basic, Pro, Premium, and Enterprise—for your selection!

Where can I embed the AI Shopping Assistant integration on my website?

You may add the AI widget to several essential website sections to elevate user interaction and provide prompt assistance to your audience. Here are the most typical locations: the front page, contact page, checkout page, product listings, service pages, and blog.

How to customize the AI Shopping Assistant solution?

It doesn’t require much effort to create a customized AI Chatbot widget, employing diverse functionalities designed to meet your needs. Here’s the breakdown of capabilities:

  • Training
    Allow the AI widget to scan your website page to generate an instruction and understand your business. Afterward, feel free to upload relevant documents, question-and-answer combinations, and text blocks.
  • Greetings display
    Determine a greeting message, its display settings, and quick starter responses with the most common questions.
  • Custom elements and features
    Nevertheless, there are still countless features to discover, including AI assistant name, logo, bubble icon, bubble position, email chat transcripts, themes, colors, fonts, custom CSS editor, custom JS editor, and so much more.

Don’t worry about any bumps or uncertainties along the way—our committed Customer Support Team is always here to provide you assistance, guaranteeing a hassle-free journey from beginning to end!

Help with AI Shopping Assistant Setup and Website Installation

To help you facilitate your widget template exploration, we’ve collected a plethora of sources. Check these out: