Accordion FAQ app for Wix

Provide answers to frequently asked questions in an organized, searchable format to help users find solutions quickly into your Wix website effortlessly.
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Accordion FAQ app for Wix

Create your FAQ app

Configure your FAQ and add it to your Wix website for free!


The example of FAQ block
Various FAQ blocks view
The FAQ block styling options
The example of colored FAQ block for website
A FAQ block with a custom background
FAQ block view on a smartphone
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FAQ by Elfsight is a powerful, easy to work with and customize instrument to generate and add a list of the most frequently requested questions with answers on your personal website. An informative app with simple design allows you to publish detailed data about your services, pay attention of readers to the positive qualities of your offers and prevent any kind of fears and distrust, which could prevent purchase.

Answer the coming questions of your users immediately and level up sales on the website!

  • Combat any fears of your users and boost your sales.
    Provide maximum information about your goods or offers to your future customers, to defeat all possible distrust and raise conversion on the website.
  • Achieve the right perception of your goods or services by clients.
    Destroy the most frequent misbelieves and doubts connected with your company using clear and detailed answers.
  • Answer clients’ questions before they arise.
    Let your clients get the most complete information about your goods or services and provide answer to their questions before they appear.


The most prominent traits of Elfsight app, which make it the most flexible method to add FAQ on Wix website.

  • Multicolumn layout for automatic spreading the content into columns;
  • 36 predefined icons for categories;
  • Unlimited questions inside every category;
  • Html in the text supported;
  • Updates available to keep it fresh.

Check all the features

How to add Accordion FAQ widget to Wix

Install a app using our brief tutorial. You don’t need skills in development, or help from a programmer. Setup duration is just 1 minute.

  1. Create your custom-made FAQ.
    With our free editor, assemble a widget with necessary layout and capacities.
  2. Acquire a code for showing the app.
    After widget setting, obtain a code for Website FAQ widget from the appeared notification on Elfsight Apps.
  3. Reveal the app on Wix site.
    Display the widget to the required spot of the page and save the changes.
  4. Done!
    Visit your website, to see your widget.

Have stumbled on anything while carrying out the tutorial? Notify our support center or study a complete version of the tutorial «How to add FAQ to Wix» and finish the setup on your own.

How to add FAQ to my Wix website without coding skills?

Elfsight provides a SaaS solution that lets you create a FAQ widget yourself, see how easy the process is: Work directly in the online Editor to create a FAQ widget you would like to see on your Wix website. Pick one of the premade templates and adjust the FAQ settings, add your content, change the layout and colors without any coding skills. Save the FAQ and copy its installation code, that you can easily paste in your Wix website without buying a paid plan. With our intuitive Editor any internet user can create FAQ widget online and easily embed it to their Wix website. There’s no need to pay or enter your card credentials in order to access the service. If you face any issues at any step, please feel free to contact our technical support team.


14-day money back guarantee. Risk-free, you can cancel at anytime.
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