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Visitor Counter Features

Explore all the features of Elfsight Visitor Counter and how they can help you create the most effective widget.

What to count?

The tool allows to count either how many pages viewed or a number of unique visitors you have. What is mostly important to you? Choose what to count and implement the widget in your site. Anyway, you can change settings wherever you need it.

Essential metrics in one click

It’s obviously clear how statistics of website visitors is essential for your business. There are plenty of services which monitor your site metrics, but they all require a certain knowledge of SEO and coding. In contrast, the Visitor Counter widget is super easy to manage and helps you to analyze the stats and plan your business strategy without hiring extra specialists.

Everyone trust numbers

Demonstrate how many views you have to ensure a new audience in your competence and reliability. Lead your visitors to target actions with the stunning stats, starting point of which you can define yourself.


What to display?

Decide how detailed your metrics will be. The widget lets you track either just a few stats or an extensive list of them in dynamics. Don’t have enough space for all counters at the page? A convenient horizontal scroll will demonstrate all the info you wish to study.

Graph to visualize results

Better to analyze statistics, using visual means. An interactive graph allows to see progress within last week, displaying each value if you point at a particular day. Just switch it on in your settings and data will be automatically displayed in a brief and convenient way.

Header and messages

Customizable header and messages help to make your widget detailed, information clear. By means of them, draw attention of your audience to particular items of your statistics.



Organise all your numbers with the help of handy layouts. All you need to do is to choose one of them and all information will be automatically structured and performed. Choose what works exactly for you!

Starting value and header

No need to start right at the very beginning, you can set any total starting value you have. Impress your visitors and get credit of your new clients.

Usage examples
See a selection of real examples to explore the full potential of Visitor Counter for your website.
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Live demo
Try all the features of Visitor Counter in live demo now. No fees. No registration. No coding.
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Widget size

You are free to choose what size of widget will be convenient to use. Choose among Small, Medium or Large. All elements will automatically fit the chosen one and looks perfect on any mobile devices as well as a desktop version.

Colour scheme

What format will you consider for your widget color scheme? Light or Dark are ready solutions, which saves your time and look perfectly on any webpage. Need a unique design? Choose Custom scheme, set Background type or upload your own image for it, change text and graph colors as well. That’s all you need to embed the stylish and original widget on your site.


As for design, each detail matters. In Visitor Counter editor you can set not only a particular value of font size and weight, but change even a border radius. Original and stunning design of Visitor Counter is a matter of a few clicks.


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