The best Sendinblue integrations

Free catalog of splendid plugins and widgets with large-scale functionality to rise sales and gain all basic ecommerce and other business goals. Easy-to-manage setting up, a broad range of personalizing options and lifetime customer support.
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The best widgets for any aims of your Sendinblue website

the best free sendinblue integrations for your website

During over the years, our Elfsight developers build easy-to-use and adaptive integrations for your business. Our team constantly offers you a quick help service and a fast loading speed. We assist business, educational and other website owners all over the world to tackle the major website issues more efficiently.

Simply implementing the plugins on your website you will have an opportunity to enlarge sales, showcase positive on your offers, raise loyalty to your business. Subscription plans differ from free to premium. Easily apply any suitable widgets into your website, using our online demo and determine how much it will be applicable in terms of development of your company.

What makes Elfsight integrations so impressive tools for your website?

Check a list of significant strengths of our widgets, which make us to be more effective than rivals:

  • Free and quick support with adding or modifying plugins;
  • Automatic adaptation to all website sizes;
  • Unnecessary to ask for developer’s help;
  • A extensive diversity of the customization options;
  • Cloud based plugins allow to rise load speed;
  • All upcoming updates are free of charge and come out regularly;
  • Affordable pricing range;
  • Constant help for any issues.

Take all advantages free version of our widgets and upgrade your website with its features or pick out any proper solution with 20% coupon off.

How to add Elfsight integrations to the Sendinblue platform

To implement our widgets, apply the steps from the simple guide below:

  1. Start with the necessary plugin;
  2. Specify needed configuration like you need;
  3. Don’t forget to save the changes;
  4. Copy the obtained code;
  5. Add the code into the fitting place of your website or template;
  6. The implementation of the plugin is absolutely completed.

As it happens get an assistance, please you’re very welcome to inform Elfsight support specialists.

Which way do I add the integrations into my Sendinblue theme?

You are free to add the integrations to your website. Simply open the admin board and do the following actions:

  1. Select theme settings;
  2. Choose the element where you are to implement the integration;
  3. Paste your code from the Elfsight Apps service and apply your changes.
  4. Done.

Which Sendinblue versions and themes can be a good value for the integrations?

The integrations support any versions and templates of a Sendinblue site. We guarantee a substantial representation of our tools.

Where will I be able to check statistics of Elfsight integrations?

All our customers can modify all desired adjustments of the widget features in our easy-to-manage Elfsight configurator.

Could I get in touch with the Help team if I have a free plan?

All clients have a possibility to message our helpful Support experts to ask for assistance on the settings and integration of Elfsight solutions.

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