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Logo Showcase Features

Explore all the features of Elfsight Logo Showcase and how they can help you create the most effective widget.

Showcase unlimited clickable logos

With Elfsight widget, all you need to create your logo collection is simply to upload the images to the widget. Show any amount of logos and make them clickable, adding a link to any address. Write a brief caption and it will appear on hover. Users will not only see the logos, but go to the company’s website or read a material about you, if you show your press mentions.

Tip: It’s recommended to upload PNG images. Make sure the image size is big enough to save the good quality after the compression. It’s preferable to use images with transparent background.

Full control over the header of the widget

There’s an option to add the widget header. It has the title and the text, where you can include a brief inspiring text. The text field supports all formatting options: font weight, lists, align, links, and more. If you don’t need the header, simply switch it off in one click.

Call-to-action button will help convert more visitors into leads

After the logos grabbed users’ attention and made them stop and check the collection, it’s the right time to get users converted. That’s why we introduced an option to add a CTA-button. It will be displayed right under the logos. Simply paste the redirect address in the settings to make it work. You can also add button text and vary its shape and color.

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Grid layout for a compact look

With Grid layout, your logos will be arranged into several columns and rows to be all visible at one glance. It is fully adaptive and allows you to change the logo size to your needs. The grid will automatically adjust to the size you have chosen and will change the spread of the logos to keep the perfect look.

Create your logo slider

Slider layout of our widget will build all the logos into one line. When you change the logo size, the widget automatically adapts their number per slide. You can add various navigation options: arrows and swipe, bullets and pause on hover. If you switch on the Auto slide option, you can also change the sliding speed and delay.

Set it into motion with Carousel layout

If you want to add dynamics to your logos widget, just use Carousel layout. With it, logos will slide automatically in the infinite loop. You can regulate the transition speed yourself. If you want to give users a chance to stop the motion and check one of the logos, you can opt for Pause on hover in the settings.

Variable sizes and gutter

You can easily change the size of the logos in the settings, and the widget will automatically adjust what number of logos to display per slide. The gutter space between the logos is also variable whatever layout you choose. And of course, you can set the width of the widget to adapt it to your requirements or leave Auto to fill all the space.

Control how the widget looks on mobiles and tablets

Elfsight Logo Showcase allows you to adjust the look on mobiles and tablets independently. The logo size and gutter can be set precisely for different types of devices. This gives you full control over the interface and makes you sure your users have only the best experience.


Full personalization of the widget background

With our widget, you not only can choose a background color that will make it fit into the overall website concept. You can upload your own image, which will be used as the background. This feature will help you achieve maximum personalization!

Find the perfect logo color combination

Using the options of the logo look, you can make your collection of logos look absolutely different and fit various styles of website design. You can leave original colors to keep the authenticity, paint the logos custom color, or choose grayscale filter. It will save the authentic shades and curves of the logos but in grey color scale.

Tip: Grayscale filter is a good option if you need a widget with a unified look, which doesn’t distract attention from other content units.

Header colors and fonts options

The header, which features the title and the text offers a bunch of customization options. You can choose the color of all header elements and independently select the font size for the title and the text. Title also allows to set bold or regular font size.

Rich button customization

Two styles of CTA button offer to make your button outline or filled, and of course, you are free to choose the button color. Vary the shape going from rectangle to rounded or choose in between. Font size of the button text is also under your control.


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