InstaShow Version 1.4.0 – Live Update, Responsive Breakpoints and More

Missed updates of InstaShow? There are great news ahead! We have got something worth loading for our Premium Instagram Feed – get ready for the new version 1.4.0. Everything you should know about the update is here.
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InstaShow Version 1.4.0 – Live Update, Responsive Breakpoints and More

InstaShow 1.4.0 Change Log

1.4.0 is the latest version of Instagram Feed Widget. The new version is rich with the following useful features:
  • Live update of the Instagram widget
  • Responsive breakpoints option
  • Limit option
  • Optimization of loading images
  • Optimization of including scripts and styles
We don’t forget about existing bugs of our product. In addition to new features, we’ve fixed several issues, namely:
  • Empty comments array in response from Instagram API bug
  • Multiple sources images duplication bug
  • Option source specific media shortcode extended characters
Now we head towards the detail description of each fresh feature so that you can easily check out new advantages of our widget and embed Instagram easily.

Live Update

We’ve replaced the manual updating process (including the download of a new version, extraction, upload of the file on your server and so on) with 2 simple clicks. Moreover, in the WordPress admin panel of your website you are always able to see if a new version of the Instagram widget is available for download. Updates have lots of new interesting features. We also realize that our customer has to make several iterations in order to get his update. To simplify it we were working on the feature which will allow staying informed about the latest versions of InstaShow.
For now, it’s a lot easier to keep your widget up-to-date.
Previously, InstaShow users got notifications about updates via email. They had to visit Envato product page and there to download the archive of this version. After that, all the process of installation was on customers’ shoulders. With the version 1.4.0 InstaShow is ready to give you a new opportunity. The plugin checks automatically if there is a new update. In this case, you will receive a notification in your admin panel with an offer to install an update. Click on the button and the update will be automatically installed.

Responsive Breakpoints

Our goal is to make InstaShow flexible at any point. So we think that the next feature will be a good addition for those who adjust the widget as they like.
Decide yourself, what number of photos fits best on every browser window.
Guests on your website have different screens and your website along with all its elements should be responsive. InstaShow has already been responsive to any screen size. But what if you could change the dimensions of the Instagram grid depending on a width of users’ screen? InstaShow 1.4.0 lets you set manually the number of columns and rows and the gutter between images in your grid for any screen width.

Limit Option

This option is very particular for the ordinary usage of our Instagram gallery widget. You are able to constrain the number of loaded images in the Instagram grid. Simply set the required number of latest photos which you would like to share. You can do this if, for example, you don’t want to show the old content on the web page.

Optimization of Loading Images

We received few feedbacks from our customers who face the decrease in loading speed. The reason for this issue was the dimensions of a grid and images in it. Thus, if you set a large grid with lots of columns and rows then it will take more time to load all images. We found the solution to this issue by implementing the flexible photo size matching.
As a result, you get an increase in loading speed.
Instagram images are uploaded with a suitable size which depends on settings of the widget and dimensions of images in it. Now if there is a great number of images then they will be uploaded with a smaller size. On the contrary, fewer photos – better resolution and bigger size of each Instagram photo.

Optimization of including scripts and styles

Previously, all InstaShow source files were loaded on the whole website. It influenced the loading speed of all web pages. Now scripts and styles are loaded only on the web page where you use the Instagram widget and it doesn’t affect loading speed of remaining pages at all.

Get Your Latest Version of InstaShow

Behind each update, there is a hours-long work. We strive to create the best Instagram widget, which will meet any requirement. Our newest improving version is only one of further updates.
Check your InstaShow and be sure to use the latest version.
Don’t forget to leave comments about your thoughts concerning this update. Furthermore, if you have any idea what should be improved in InstaShow then write us in Elfsight Support Center. We will consider them and get in touch with you.
We do our best to deliver the great-performing Instagram gallery plugin.
Instagram Feed InstaShow Preview