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Reviews widget for Yelp Features

Explore all the features of Elfsight Reviews from Yelp and how they can help you create the most effective widget.

The fastest way to add Yelp reviews to your website

In case you have a Yelp page, where clients leave their comments and reviews about your services, it’s just a couple of clicks to embed those reviews on your site. With Elfsight Yelp Reviews, simply get authorized on Yelp as a page admin. The widget will get the reviews and publish them on your site. It’s also auto-updating, so immediately after a new review appears on Yelp, it will appear on your site, too.

Use filters to control your content

Elfsight Yelp Reviews widget will help your publish only positive or the most meaningful client reviews. For this, you can use three filters available in the widget. You can choose to show all reviews or positive only; Exclude By filter sorts out reviews with the keywords that you set; and using quantity filter, you can choose the amount of reviews to demonstrate.

Show more details and increase trust

Reviews are among the best ways to convince users that you deserve trust. That is why reviews must look trustworthy, too. With Elfsight widget, your reviews will show not just the text of the recommendation, but maximum convincing details: author’s name, picture, the date of posting, a Yelp and recommendation icons, and a star rating – all these are switchable elements. Featuring Yelp design traits, your reviews will be unquestionably trustworthy!

Usage examples
See a selection of real examples to explore the full potential of Reviews from Yelp for your website.
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Inspire more reviews with active button

With our widget, it’s easy not only to publish reviews, but also get new ones. Call-to-action button offers visitors to post their feedback and gives Yes and No variants. If a user is ready to post a review, then Yes button will lead them to your Yelp page. No button will either hide the request, or display your message. In the message, you can enter any text and links, for example your email, and ask a visitor to send their feedback to you. Get maximum client insights using only a single review widget.


Choose a template for your reviews

With Elfsight widget, your Yelp reviews can look polished, yet keep the features of familiar Yelp design. Three templates will present your reviews absolutely different ways. While Classic template will keep original Yelp review look, Bubble will place author info under the review text, Spotlight will align all elements center and put the accent on the text. It’s easy to display reviews from a fresh point of view!

6 versions of widget layout

There are 6 versions of layout at your command, so you will be able to find the suiting spot of your testimonials on the page. They may go one by one by means of List option; pick Grid to form a grid of reviews; Slider will reveal an active reviews carousel; Masonry will place testimonials in optimal position depending on vacant vertical space; Floating Badge will accompany your visitor as he scrolls the page, and the Embeddable badge layout is the best way to seamlessly fit the reviews card into the site design. Each layout contains extra settings: with Slider, you may set arrows or drags for navigation, pick sliding speed and pagination type, and with each layout, you can choose the amount of reviews to show per page.

Flexible widget size parameters

For ideal positioning of reviews on the page, whatever the space requirements are, the height and width parameters of the widget are flexible. Set any value in pixels or percentage. Try different variants and find the most proper. In addition, your Yelp Reviews will look perfect on tablets and mobile phones because it features inbuilt mobile optimization.


Set font sizes and weights

The text is the very essence of reviews; you can choose the size of the font of the text yourself. This option is available for the widget title and for the text of the review, so you can change the font size independently. For the title text, you can also select regular or bold weight of the font.

Add unique colors to the interface

With the widget by Elfsight, your Yelp reviews just can’t look out of style. There are five elements that you can color independently: review text, and background, links, review request button, and a star rating. Try out various combinations or set the most usual Yelp colors – it’s you to decide!


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