WhatsApp Chat Examples

Check the best Live Chat examples to reveal the full potential of the WhatsApp widget. Make sure it will suit your any goals.

General Live Chat

This is the most common example of a WhatsApp messenger on a website. A Floating bubble option is chosen and the chat stays moderate but always visible for users. A recognizable chat icon is used in the chat bubble and the chat window has custom WhatsApp colors.

Support Chat

In this example, the header picture shows a photo of a customer support specialist and the caption is used to specify the reply time. Thus, users are sure that they are going to chat with a real person. This type of widget is a good variant of organizing technical support.

Sale Chat

A lot of interface customization made this chat window look unique and bright. You can see that the header was colored black and the Start Chat Button turned red and changed its original label. There’s a photo of a manager, his name and position on the header. That's how you can use WhatsApp chat to attract new sales.

Booking Chat

This chat is used to help clients with booking, and the welcome message offers assistance with looking for options, thus attracting clients to start a chat. The header and the chat bubble are painted dark blue to remind of a popular booking service. Start Chat buttons is or original green color and shows WhatsApp icon.
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Feedback Chat

Here you can see a feedback form as a floating bubble. It’s always at hand for sharing clients’ thoughts. The bubble has a custom text and shows a badge notifying of a new message. A click on the bubble will open the chat window with a photo of manager and their name. The photo can be chosen from our gallery, if you fail to find one.

Onboarding Chat

To tell your clients more about your products or services, you can use an unobtrusive chat on your site. A chat bubble displays only an icon, without any text, and has a new message notification badge on it. A new set of colors was chosen for the chat: the header is light purple and the Start Chat Button together with chat bubble are bright purple.

Consultation Chat

Here’s a good way to consult clients about your offers. A Floating bubble can be aligned left, right, or center. The chat window header and the chat bubble are of the same color. The header shows a picture and the name of the chat person, and welcome message serves to help visitors initiate chatting.

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