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Team Showcase Features

Explore all the features of Elfsight Team Showcase and how they can help you create the most effective widget.

Elements to show your people at their best

Acquaint users with your team members. Show not only name and position, but explain what they do in your company, what they believe in, what inspires them, and of course don’t forget to add contact info for fast addressing.

  1. Name. Introduce your colleagues to users – show their full names.
  2. Position. Here you need to state only the position of the person. Don’t describe the responsibilities here; you will have a special field for this.
  3. Photo. It’s very important to show a human face of your business. It helps establish better connection with users and increase trustworthiness of your company. You can upload a photo right to the widget.
  4. Contact information. In this section, you can show email, phone number, location, and website of a person. Email and website are clickable for seamless contacting, and click on location address will open it on Google Maps.
  5. Biography. Here you can write about a person in more details. This may be their most important achievements, qualification and status, what they are responsible for in your company or what aims they want to achieve. Make this personal enough to create emotional connection with a reader.
  6. Quote. This should be rather short but very meaningful text. Show what inspires a person, what helps them to develop – and you will add value to your team in the eyes of a reader.
  7. Social profiles. You can add links to social accounts of your colleagues, so that users could visit them just by click on the icon.

Popup mode will open the full view

Our widget features handy popup view mode. When users click a photo of your team member, a full description of their profile will open in popup. It will show all the information that you included, and all links will remain active in this mode too. Popup is very handy, when you want to save space on the page and choose a layout that hides details.

Showcase elements
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Create categories and group people

Elfsight Team Showcase features an option of creating categories and spreading people between them. You can set categories based on locations of people, departments they work in, degrees or qualifications they have, or any other criteria you may need. Members of the same category will be grouped together, thus you can clearly show the structure of your company. Add or remove groups, clone and reorder them easily.

Two options of displaying groups

When you create groups and assign people to them, you have a choice of how to display those groups. They can go one under another, as a whole list, separated by a divider, if you choose List layout. While Filters layout will show a group menu and users will need to click a corresponding option to view the group and switch between them.

Tip: If there are many groups, Filters option will help you avoid messy page. It will show only one group at a time at the same time, users will have an overview of other groups.

Add a call-to-action button

On your About us page you can place a button for those who are interested in joining your team. Call-to-action button will lead to any website or web page that you add in the settings. The button label is editable, as well as the button caption, so you can use your imagination to attract viewers’ attention to this important engagement element.

Editable widget title for an eye-catching name

The name is what everything start with, and it’s very important to set a good title of your widget. With Elfsight Team Showcase, you can add a custom title that will be displayed above the team. Think of a phrase that will sound enticing and direct users’ attention to your team members.

Groups and interface

4 varied layouts help get the right look

Choose one of our four layouts – they all feature a great way to present your team on the page. Grid and Cards options show photo, name, and only the essential contact information and social links, the rest can be viewed in a popup. Gallery layout creates a real gallery of your team photos and offers smooth animation on hover to see contact info, and popup is also available. List layout will reveal everything at once on the page: name, photo, contact info, and detailed bio with quotation.

Choose the color of interface elements

Our widget offers you to paint four interface elements yourself. Choose colors of widget background and call-to-action button and item background and text. This will help you to create a widget that will be a perfect fit for your website style and add a touch of individuality!

Responsive widget size to fit into every space requirements

With Elfsight Team Showcase, you don’t need to rack your brains finding the right widget size. Our widget will automatically fill the available space on the page and adapt its parameters to look really great. Enjoy the ease of use and responsiveness!

Layouts and colors

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