Team Showcase Examples
Check Team Showcase examples to reveal the full potential of the widget. Make sure it will suit your any goals.
Example 1: Company Structure
With Elfsight widget, it’s easy to demonstrate your company in orderly and clear manner, even if it has an extensive structure. In this example, all employees are spread in four departments listed on the page. Grid layout shows only minimum of contact details, the rest can be viewed in popup.
Example 2: Small team
No matter what size your team is - you can find a good way to present it. Here, Cards layout helps to show a rather tight team yet in a substantial way. Viewers can see large pictures of your people, their names and positions. Call-to-action invites users to join the team, and clicking the button, they can see vacancies.
Example 3: Dedicated team
In this example, you can see how our widget helps make it easy for your visitors to find their manager. All the managers are divided into four groups - based on the their city. The menu in the widget header offer users to switch between the available cities and view the managers or see them all in a grid.
Example 4: Music Band
Look how easily the widget can be set to show the members of a music band. There’s a custom choice of background color that makes the widget fit into the color concept of the website. Gallery layout show large the photos of the musicians and their names. On hover, animation will reveal social media icons and offer to see more info in popup.
Example 5: Team Roster
In this example, the widget is used to create a grid with members of a basketball team. Info card of each player and the background are painted team colors. There’s only a name and game position of each member of the team.
Example 6: Our teachers
Our widget can help you show your academic staff so that they will win trust of the website audience. You can see that every teacher is presented through a photo, which reveals a short biography and personal traits in popup. Auto option of size makes the widget fill all available space on the page.
Example 7: Fitness
Here’s a good way to tell about coaches working in a sports club and showing their motivational skills. Using List layout, you can show a lot of text info next to the photo. Here, you can read a detailed background info about each coach, and to see their training philosophy and the favorite motivational motto about sports training.
Example 8: Barbers
Make it impossible for a user to leave your site without an appointment made. In this example, the barber services are presented in a truly compelling manner. With Gallery layout, the photos are massive, clean, and eye-catching. All extra info is hidden in the popup. Unique call-to-action phrase and a button to make an appointment help attract new clients.
Example 9: Doctors
Another example of what our widget is capable of. Here it is transformed into a showcase of medical staff. Clean and strict look is contributed by List layout and custom choice of colors, which are associated with medicine. Info cards tell a lot about each doctor and there’s a possibility to request an appointment using an active button.
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