The best Mobirise extensions

Free library of must-have plugins to cover all important business and marketing tasks on your website. Easy setup, complete optimization and full-time customer service.
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The best service for every Mobirise website

the best free mobirise extensions for your website

For already 5 years, our team have been creating the most effective premium extensions for Mobirise. Our widgets allow you to strengthen purchase level, unite your website with social networks or cover different other tasks, which occur with all of business sites.

We offer various plans: from free to premium. We do our best to provide your business a possibility to move forward together with us and reach an impressive height.

What makes our Mobirise extensions one of the best?

To realize, that plugins by our team is what you really need test, we have shaped a list of advantages, which make them hold the best positions among other:

  • Free installation help;
  • Fully responsive to all screen sizes;
  • No programming skills required;
  • Varied custom options of the design;
  • Intuitive user interface;
  • Cloud solution for perfect loading speed;
  • Constant automatic updates;
  • Competent help with any kind of troubles.

Test all positive traits of Elfsight extensions using free variant or buy the desired plugin with 20% discount.

How to Install the extension on Mobirise website

You can see maximum information about integration of each product on the plugin page.

  1. Click the your plugin and customize it in the editor.
  2. Display plugin code into the required site (into the code of the page or the template: sidebar, footer, etc.)
  3. Integration is successfully complete!

Require free advice in customization your Mobirise extension? Didn’t manage to do the integration? Simply, address to our support, and we will be glad to answer your questions.

1. Which way can I implement the extensions into my Mobirise theme?

You may insert the extensions into your website. Just go to the admin panel and follow these steps:

  1. Go to theme settings;
  2. select the element where you are to insert the extension on;
  3. paste your code from Elfsight Apps service and employ your adjustments.
  4. You’re done.

2. What Mobirise versions and themes can be integrated with Elfsight app?

Elfsight extensions support any options templates of the Mobirise website. You can be sure of a stable performance of all tools.

3. Where can I change settings of my extensions?

You can make essential amendments of the extension options in the easy-to-manage configurator.

4. Is it possible to email Help center in case I need a hand with the customizing the Mobirise extension only?

All our clients are free to contact our highly qualified Our Support specialists to ask for advice about the performance of Elfsight solutions.

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