Best Kartra Integrations

Free catalog of top-notch integrations with rich functionality for increasing user interest and cover all basic promotional goals. Smooth implementation, a wide choice of personalizing features and competent client assistance.
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The marvelous service for upgrading your Kartra website

the best free kartra widgets for your website

For plenty of years, our Elfsight team of professionals creates easy-to-use and flexible integrations for your business. We always arrange for you a high-qualified help and a high load speed. Our service helps a lot of businesses, educational and other website owners in different parts of the world to tackle the key website problems more rationally.

Simply embedding extensions on your website may level up leads rate, show 5-star testimonials on your services, improve trust to your company. Tariffs vary from free to VIP. Start to embed any chosen extensions into your website, using our live- demo and find out how much it will be important in terms of development of your company website.

What makes Elfsight integrations premium tools for you?

Determine a list of main benefits of our integrations, which allow us to be ahead than competitors:

  • Free and prompt assistance with adding or personalization extensions;
  • Adaptability to any website resolutions;
  • Unnecessary to ask for developer’s help;
  • A wide number of the designing options;
  • Cloud solutions allow to make better load speed;
  • Regular updates;
  • Flexible pricing plans;
  • Professional help for any users’ issues.

Explore the free Lite plan of our integrations and get access to its features or select any selected solution with a 20% discount.

How to implement Elfsight integrations on your Kartra platform

To integrate our integrations, extensively all the from the detailed instruction:

  1. Choose the needed tool;
  2. Adapt to your needs some suitable settings as needed;
  3. Click “save the changes”;
  4. Get the obtained code;
  5. Install the code into the required place of your website or template;
  6. The customization of the extension is finally completed.

If some difficulties come up, you’re very welcome to contact the Support Center.

How can I integrate the extensions to my Kartra template?

You are free to integrate the extensions into your site. Just go to the admin board and follow these steps:

  1. Select theme settings;
  2. Find the part where you are to insert the integration on;
  3. paste your code from Elfsight extensions and employ the adjustments.


Which of Kartra versions and themes can be integrated with integration?

The extensions can be added on any option themes of the Kartra site. We always provide you with a reliable representation of our tools. [faq_item question_tag="h3" schema_markup="1" question="Where will I customize Elfsight extensions?"] All Elfsight clients can take the necessary amendments in the settings in our easy-to-manage configurator.

Can I email the Elfsight Help team in the event that I need a hand with customizing the Kartra integration only?

All our customers are free to write to the capable Support experts to ask for assistance on the settings and integration of solutions.

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