Marketing Materials

Marketing Materials templates for website

Elevate your efforts with the Marketing Materials templates for websites. Showcase brochures, flyers, posters, invitations, and more with captivating page-turns. Boost engagement, improve brand perception, and drive conversions—no coding is needed!
G2 Badges
Restaurant Menu
Embed a flipbook plugin on your website and display a restaurant menu in high resolution.
Create a flipbook widget and make a statement with your brochure on a website.
Product Catalog
Add a flipbook plugin to your website and turn a product catalog into a captivating sales tool.
Create a flipbook widget for your website to display a booklet that captures attention.
Adding a flipbook plugin to your website lets our flyers stand out in any setting.
Fashion Lookbook
Embedding a flipbook widget on a website lets you turn fashion lookbook presentations into an unforgettable journey.
Event Program
Create a flipbook template for a website and share your event program in style.
Embed a flipbook template on a website and elevate agendas from a mundane document to a user-friendly guide.
Add a flip book plugin to a website and turn static PDFs into dynamic, page-turning publications.
Embed a flipping book widget on a website to transform ordinary files into immersive, interactive experiences.
Add a flipbook widget to a website and turn your poster into a striking presentation.
Embed a flipbook template on a website to make your event invitations memorable.
No Suitable Template?
You can easily assemble the widget you need using our simple-to-use configurator.

Why are Elfsight Marketing Materials templates the best?

Change how you display content and connect visitors using one of the ready-to-use Marketing Materials templates on your website. With Elfsight’s uncomplicated interface, you can quickly upload your files, tailor the Flipbook widget to reflect your brand, and obtain the code snippet and embed it in no time. Impress prospects and elevate your professional standing!

Why Elfsight Marketing Materials are the Best?

Marketing Materials Features and Integrations

PDF File Support
Realistic Page-Flipping Effect
Document Searching
Auto-Generate Table of Contents
Thumbnail View
Full-Screen View Button
Zoom In/Out Buttons
Share Document via Link
Download Document Button
Print Document Button
Single Page View Mode
Custom Colorization & Fonts
70+ Languages Support
CSS & JS Editors
Coding-Free Editor
Mobile Responsiveness
Page-Speed Friendly Lazy Loading
Easy Website Integration

How to add Marketing Materials template to website

If you’re looking to add the Marketing Materials template to your website, complete the simple instruction:

  1. Sign in to your Elfsight profile.
  2. Extract the installation code that’s been automatically created for you.
  3. Locate your website editor.
  4. Insert the code and save the changes. Now you’re done!


Can I embed the Marketing Materials template without coders?

Absolutely! By utilizing the automatically generated snippet of code, you can add the Marketing Materials template to your website page. So, you can sidestep the expense of engaging a skilled programmer or relying on a third-party coder.

How can I add documents to the Flipbook widget?

You can add the files with the required visuals to the Flipbook widget by visiting the “Document” menu. Select the “Upload PDF” or “Add PDF by Link” to include the materials.

What website builders and CMS are compatible with the Marketing Materials widget?

Our widgets are suitable for 99.9% of website builders. Here are the most common ones:

Squarespace, Wix, HTML, Webflow, WordPress, Shopify, Elementor, Google Sites, GoDaddy, iFrame, etc.

Where can I add the Marketing Materials widget on my website?

You can add a flipbook to various sections of your website pages, influenced by your design choices and the objective of presenting your content. Consider these common spots: the front page, merchandise pages, blog posts, download section, and contact page.

Can I customize the Marketing Materials template?

Certainly! Kick off the tailoring journey by incorporating your files. Afterward, you can alter the visual details, including colors, fonts, languages, etc.

Are the Marketing Materials templates mobile-friendly?

Yes! You can maintain bug-free functionality, as the Marketing Materials templates function exceptionally on all gadgets: mobile devices, PCs, laptops, and tablets. Offer your users the best mobile-friendly experience with Elfsight in your corner!