Guides & Manuals

Guides & Manuals templates for website

Effortlessly transform static files into dynamic, interactive experiences with the Guides & Manuals template for websites. Whether it's a user manual, training handbook, welcome guide, or travel itinerary, they offer a professional and engaging way to present your information. Improve readability and comprehension with intuitive page-turns!
G2 Badges
Travel Guide
Add a flipbook template to a website and inspire wanderlust with a carefully crafted travel guide.
Manual & User Guide
Creating a flipbook template for a website makes learning intuitive with visually appealing manuals and user guides.
Embed a flipbook widget on your website to present valuable guide information in an interactive format.
Create a flipbook plugin for a website and make your handbooks engaging and accessible.
Adding a flipbook widget to a website makes complex information of a training manual engaging.
Creating a flipbook widget for a website helps you empower your audience with a valuable guidebook.
Add a flipbook template to a website to make every welcome memorable and engaging.
No Suitable Template?
You can easily assemble the widget you need using our simple-to-use configurator.

Why are Elfsight Guides & Manuals templates the best?

Reimagine your content presentation and audience engagement by utilizing one of the available Guides & Manuals templates on your website. Leveraging Elfsight’s easy-to-use interface, you can quickly upload your documents, customize the Flipbook widget to suit your brand, and generate the string of code and embed it a matter of minutes. Captivate prospective customers and strengthen your professional profile!

Why Elfsight Guides & Manuals are the Best?

Guides & Manuals Features and Integrations

PDF File Support
Realistic Page-Flipping Sounds
Search Within Document
Auto-Generate Table of Contents
Thumbnail View
Full-Screen View Button
Zoom In/Out Buttons
Social Share Button
Download Document Button
Print Document Button
Single Page View Mode
Advanced Color Settings
70+ Localization Languages
CSS & JavaScript Editors
Free-Coding Editor
Optimized for All Mobile Devices
Page-Speed Friendly Lazy Loading
Seamless Website Integration

How to add Guides & Manuals template to website

If you want to embed the Guides & Manuals template on your website page, see this guide:

  1. Sign in to your Elfsight account.
  2. Extract the auto-generated installation code.
  3. Go to your website page editor.
  4. Insert the code and save the changes. Well done!


Can I embed the Guides & Manuals template without coders?

Yes! You can add the Guides & Manuals template to your website using the auto-generated code snippet. Therefore, there is no need to hire a skilled programmer or use a specialized coding app.

How can I add documents to the Flipbook widget?

Add the files with the following imagery to the Flipbook widget through the “Document” tab. Hit the “Upload PDF” or “Add PDF by Link” to integrate the materials.

What website builders and CMS are compatible with the Guides & Manuals widget?

With a compatibility rate of 99.9%, our plugins are the ideal solution for almost any website. Here are a few of the popular ones:

Squarespace, Wix, HTML, Webflow, WordPress, Shopify, Elementor, Google Sites, GoDaddy, iFrame, and many others.

Where can I add the Guides & Manuals widget on my website?

You can have the ability to add a flipbook to several locations of your website, depending on your aesthetic style and the intent of exhibiting your content. These are the usual areas: the main page, merchandise listings, blog posts, download section, and contact page.

Can I customize the Guides & Manuals template?

Yes, absolutely! Start the customization procedure by uploading your content. Following this, you can refine the visual features, such as colors, fonts, languages, etc.

Are the Guides & Manuals templates mobile-friendly?

Yes, they are! You can steer clear of any technical hiccups, as the Guides & Manuals templates perform superbly on every device: phones, personal computers, laptops, and tablets. Immerse yourself in the finest mobile-optimized experience with Elfsight for yourself and your users!