Business Documents

Business Documents templates for website

Make a lasting impression with the coding-free Business Documents templates for websites. Transform static reports, proposals, and presentations into interactive masterpieces. Enhance your brand image and streamline communication by simply uploading your documents!
G2 Badges
Business Proposal
Embed a flipbook widget on a website to turn a business proposal into a memorable presentation.
Real Estate Listing
Adding a flipbook template lets you share a real estate listing on your website dynamically.
Online Document
Add a flipbook widget to your website and let users easily share online documents with others.
Digital Report
Embed a flipbook template on a website and elevate your digital report presentations to impress.
Embed a flipbook plugin on your website to attract new opportunities with a portfolio.
Add a flipbook widget to a website and make your presentations unforgettable.
Embedding a flipbook template on a website makes your summary reports not just informative but also visually compelling.
Creating a flipbook plugin for a website lets you stand out from the crowd with an unforgettable pitch deck.
Add a flipbook template to a website and display a digital catalog that enhances the wholesale experience.
Embedding a flipbook plugin on a website changes the way you communicate the pricing list.
Embed a flipbook plugin on a website to showcase your service offerings list with style and efficiency.
No Suitable Template?
You can easily assemble the widget you need using our simple-to-use configurator.

Why are Elfsight Business Documents templates the best?

Transform your content showcase and audience interaction with one of the coding-free Business Documents templates on your website. Thanks to Elfsight’s intuitive interface, you can effortlessly upload your materials, modify the Flipbook widget to align with your brand, and create the code and embed it in a matter of time. Engage potential clients and enhance your professional presence!

Why Elfsight Business Documents are the Best?

Business Documents Features and Integrations

PDF File Upload
Realistic Page-Flipping Sounds
Search Within Document
Auto-Generate Table of Contents
Thumbnail View
Full-Screen Mode
Zoom In/Out Buttons
Social Share Button
Download Files Button
Print Document Button
Single Page View Mode
Advanced Color Customization
70+ Localization Languages
CSS & JavaScript Editors
Tech-Free Customization
Page-Speed Friendly Lazy Loading
Fast Website Integration

How to add Business Documents template to website

In order to embed the Business Documents template on your website, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Elfsight dashboard.
  2. Get the personalized setup code.
  3. Access your website page editor.
  4. Paste the code and save your edits. That’s it!


Can I embed the Business Documents template without coders?

Of course, you can! You can add the Business Documents template to your website page via the automatically generated ready-to-paste code snippet. Hence, hiring a developer or relying on a specialized coding application is unnecessary.

How can I add documents to the Flipbook widget?

Add relevant content to the Flipbook widget in the “Document” menu tab. Click the “Upload PDF” or “Add PDF by Link” to incorporate the materials.

What website builders and CMS are compatible with the Business Documents widget?

You can use our widgets on almost any website, with a compatibility rate of 99.9%. Here are just some of the most common ones:

Squarespace, Wix, HTML, Webflow, WordPress, Shopify, Elementor, Google Sites, GoDaddy, iFrame, and many others.

Where can I add the Business Documents widget on my website?

You can have the option to add a flipbook to different areas of your website based on aesthetic preferences and the purpose of showcasing the content. Here are the top frequently used locations: the homepage, product listings, blog articles, resource download section, and contact page.

Can I customize the Business Documents template?

Definitely, you can! Initiate the personalization phase by inserting your material. From there, you can tweak the aesthetic aspects, such as colors, fonts, languages, and more.

Are the Business Documents templates mobile-friendly?

Absolutely, they are! You can evade any bugs, as the Business Documents templates excel on any gadget: smartphones, computers, laptops, and tablets. The optimal mobile-optimized experience awaits you and your users with Elfsight!