Blogger Discord Chat widget

Establezca una herramienta de conversación útil, lo que ayudará a que su audiencia chatee con usted de inmediato y con facilidad.


Discord Chat widget for Blogger by Elfsight is the quickest tool for people to contact you and get help from you. You will stay available online in one the most popular chats 24/7. Integrate Discord Chat on your website and it can only be active on selected pages or for certain groups of audience, assign chat starting activators, compose your welcome text, set icons and more. With the help of Discord Chat on your site you will stay reachable for people anytime and in any location.

Start chatting with users to understand their queries and start curiosity in your products and services

These are only several of the rich widget features:

  • Answer messages right from your Discord account
  • A collection of bubble icons to choose
  • Picking page image by default, from our collection or uploading a custom picture
  • Using custom text as caption
  • Choosing the group of visitors to see the chat: all, new, or returning

Explore all the personalization features in full-featured demo

How can I add Discord Chat into my Blogger website?

Just perform the guidelines below to embed the widget.

  1. Employ our free editor and start shaping your custom widget.
    Choose the suitable look and functionality of the plugin and apply the modifications.
  2. Get your unique code shown in the box on Elfsight Apps.
    Right after the generation of your plugin is done, copy the personal code in the appeared popup and keep it for future need.
  3. Commence utilization of the widget on your Blogger website.
    Insert the code you’ve saved recently in your website and save the edits.
  4. The installation is fully accomplished.
    Visit your web page to observe how the widget works.

On the condition of confronting questions or running into any obstacles, do not be afraid to get in touch with our customer service team. Our specialists are longing to resolve all the questions you might have with the plugin.


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