Jimdo Cookie Consent widget

Comply with privacy regulations by adding a cookie consent banner to your website, ensuring user data transparency into your Jimdo website effortlessly.
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Jimdo Cookie Consent widget
Trusted by over 2,000,000 small business, agencies and top global brands worldwide

Create your Cookie Consent widget

Configure your Cookie Consent and add it to your Jimdo website for free!


Jimdo Cookie Consent widget
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With Elfsight Cookie Consent, it will be maximum trouble-free to announce to the audience that your website has cookies in a nice popup bar. This widget enables you to write your own message, include a link to your website use policy, and place active buttons to obtain consent from users. You can choose to display the widget in the manner of a page bar or a box and choose any position for it. In addition, color options help you make the widget look native and integrate well with the site’s general style concept.

Make your site more successful for e-commerce objectives with Cookie Consent.

Here are central features of the widget:

  • Notify website visitors about using cookies on your site
  • Show a simple notification or request a consent
  • Add your own notification message with formatting and links supported
  • Show or hide notification button
  • The option to edit button label text
  • Decline and Accept buttons for consent request type
  • Add or remove cookie icon
  • Choose Bar or Box layout of the widget

You can test whet the widget offers using the demo

How can I embed Cookie Consent on my Jimdo site?

Just follow the instructions below to integrate the widget.

  1. Make use of our free editor and start shaping your custom-made widget.
    Specify the preferable look and aspects of the widget and apply the edits.
  2. Copy your unique code appearing in the special form on Elfsight Apps.
    When the establishment of your tool is finished, copy the individual code at the appearing window and save it for future use.
  3. Initiate usage of the widget on Jimdo web page.
    Embed the code you’ve saved recently into your web page and save the corrections.
  4. Done! The embedding is successfully accomplished.
    Go to your site to inspect the performance of the widget.

Supposing you challenge some problems, have no hesitation to write to our customer service team. Our specialists will be delighted to resolve all the difficulties you may have with the product.

How to add Cookie Consent to my Jimdo website without coding skills?

Elfsight provides a SaaS solution that lets you create a Cookie Consent widget yourself, see how easy the process is: Work directly in the online Editor to create a Cookie Consent widget you would like to see on your Jimdo website. Pick one of the premade templates and adjust the Cookie Consent settings, add your content, change the layout and colors without any coding skills. Save the Cookie Consent and copy its installation code, that you can readily add in your Jimdo website with no need to buy a paid subscription. With our intuitive Editor any internet user can create Cookie Consent widget online and easily embed it to their Jimdo website. There’s no need to pay or enter your card credentials in order to access the service. If you face any issues at any step, please feel free to contact our technical support team.


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