How to Install jQuery Instagram Feed InstaShow 2.0.0

Due to the current changes of Instagram API we’ve released a new update 2.0.0 for Instagram feed and prepared this new guide. It will describe in detail how to install jQuery version of our user-appreciated plugin InstaShow.
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How to Install jQuery Instagram Feed InstaShow 2.0.0
New changes in Instagram API will come into force on June 1, 2016. By default, these changes strongly restrict users of Instagram plugins. You can learn more about it in our article Global Update of Elfsight Instagram Plugins 2016. We’ve prepared an important update for jQuery Instagram Feed InstaShow in order to guarantee that restrictions won’t apply to our customers.

Installation of jQuery Instagram feed InstaShow 2.0.0

1. Download and unzip the archive with InstaShow files

You have to visit Downloads page after purchasing InstaShow jQuery feed on
CodeCanyon Downloads page
Visit CodeCanyon Downloads page
Download and unzip plugin’s archive.
Download InstaShow jQuery Files
Download InstaShow jQuery Files
For plugin’s installation you need the instashow folder from the archive
Unzip InstaShow Archive
Unzip InstaShow Archive

2. Upload InstaShow to Your Server

First of all, you have to upload the InstaShow folder to your server in order to install your Instagram plugin. For that FTP-clients (Total Commander, WinSCP, Filezilla, Cyberduck, Transmit and other) are usually used. You can upload the InstaShow folder to the root directory, any directory, where all plugins for your website are placed or any other directory.

3. Link Your Website with The InstaShow Files

After you uploaded the folder with the InstaShow files to your server, you have to link these files with your website. There are two ways to do it: The first one (recomended) is adding a single packaged file which automatically load all dependencies. If you uploaded the instashow folder to the root directory of your website, the code will look like:
<script src="/instashow/jquery.instashow.packaged.js""></script">
The second way is adding the all files manually after jQuery and Handlebars (InstaShow requires jQuery 1.7+ and Handlebars 3.0.3):
<script src="""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<link href="/instashow/jquery.instashow.min.css" rel="stylesheet>
<script src="/instashow/jquery.instashow.min.js""></script>
If you uploaded the folder to another directory, don’t forget to set a correct path to the files.

4. Initialize the plugin using data-is-* attributes or jQuery plugin

The first way is initialization using data-is-* attributes (recommended). Add InstaShow HTML element to the body section:
<div data-is
The second way is initialization as jQuery plugin. Add InstaShow HTML element:
<div class="my-instashow"></div>
Initialize InstaShow as jQuery plugin:
        api: '/instashow/api/',
        source: '@muradosmann',
        width: 'auto',
        height: '500px',
        columns: 5,
        rows: 3,
        direction: 'vertical',
        lang: 'en',
        popupInfo: ''
Note: if you use the packaged script, then you need to use the jQuery initialization code on instaShowReady event:
    $(window).on('instaShowReady', function() {
            api: '/instashow/api/',
            source: '@muradosmann',
            width: 'auto',
            height: '500px',
            columns: 5,
            rows: 3,
            direction: 'vertical',
            lang: 'en',
            popupInfo: ''
If you uploaded the instashow folder to a non-root directory of your website, you need to set a correct path to the /instashow/api/ folder in the data-is-api attribute.
Tip 1: This case requires PHP 5.2+ version.
Tip 2: Be sure that the /instashow/api/ directory on your server is writable.

4.1. If Your Hosting Doesn’t Support PHP

If your hosting doesn’t support PHP, then you need to use Instagram Access Token and the data-is-access-token attribute instead of data-is-api attribute. Please, follow these steps:
  1. Get Instagram Access Token with the help of the tutorial How to get Instagram Access Token?.
  2. Leave the data-is-username attribute empty.
  3. Then specify the Access Token to the data-is-access-token attribute.
Note: In this case you can display only the latest 20 images from the username, which was added to Sandbox of Instagram API Console for this Client ID.
Info: dependence on PHP and Instagram access token restrictions are related to Instagram API changes. You can read more about these changes in an article Global update of Elfsight Instagram Plugins 2016.

Support Is The Answer

If you have any kind of questions concerning InstaShow installation, then reach us using Elfsight Support Center. We will make everything clear! Also, if you need some tips on how to embed Instagram Feed to your website, read our guide!