How to Add Custom Code to WordPress Sidebar in Twenty Fifteen Theme

Many websites have sidebar menus that include various important sections. WordPress themes allow users to customize sidebars to your discretion. For example, you might want to add CSS code instead of ready-made widgets. In today’s guide we will explain to you how to do this.
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How to Add Custom Code to WordPress Sidebar in Twenty Fifteen Theme

Why You Need Custom Code

Elfsight Apps service offers you social widgets that can be installed on any website including WordPress. Its installation is easy as you don’t need any coding in the pocket. You will get a special code that should be pasted to any area of your website. Including sidebars. We take Twenty Fifteen theme as an example for the following guide. Other pre-installed free themes like Twenty Fourteen, Twenty Sixteen and Twenty Seventeen also give the opportunity to complete today’s task.

Example of Setup

Now let’s find out how to add this custom code. It will take just a few minutes. All in all, there are 3 steps of adding custom code:
  • Open your theme
  • Go to “Widgets” section in the sidebar menu
  • Paste your code and save changes
And we will describe each step in detail. Have a seat and be ready to code (a little bit).

1. Find Your Theme

First of all, go to “Appearance” tab in your WP admin panel. There click “Themes”. You will be redirected to the page with the list of all available themes you have. Find your theme and click “Customize”.
Choose WordPress Theme

2. Choose Sidebar

Now you will see theme editor. Find “Widgets” section. In some themes (like in Twenty Fourteen and Twenty Sixteen) you have to choose the area first.
Press Widgets Section

3. Paste Code

Click “Add a Widget” and choose “Text” option. You are close! There are only several seconds left to complete the task.
Add HTML Widget
The new widget area will appear with the following fields to fill out:
  • Title – you can give a name to the new element, which will be displayed above your widget
  • Content – the place for the specified custom code
Save and Publish Theme
Just paste the code into the content field and apply changes by pressing “Save & Publish”. The new widget is already functioning on your website. Let’s see what you’ve got.

Successful Result

We show you the result based on Elfsight Apps. Due to the quickest installation our plugins can be installed on literally any website by just inserting the specified code. For the current case, there are at least two honorable products – InstaLink and Social Media Icons. Here is how InstaLink would look like in WP sidebar. It will show web audience your Instagram social profile and increase audience engagement.
Instagram Widget InstaLink WordPress
Social Media Icons can be easily installed in sidebar as well. The picture below shows the potential usage of icons. You will be able to convert web audience into followers and subscribers.
Social Media Icons WordPress
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