Elfsight Apps Service Now Supports Card Payments

From the very start of Elfsight Apps cloud service we were working on implementing the handy payment system for our clients. And we get it. For now, transactions can be made without any problems. And we will explain how 😉
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Elfsight Apps Service Now Supports Card Payments

Payments Become Simple

Previously, you could pay for our apps only through PayPal. Our team understands that this is not the easiest way for everyone. In this case, it was obligatory to have a PayPal account in order to make a deposit at Elfsight Apps. Otherwise, you had to register at this service and fill in many info fields.
We are confident that credit cards support will simplify the usage of our service!
So our new goal was clear – allow clients make payments using their cards. We’ve been searching for the most accurate payment system that will suit all our needs. It turned out to be Paddle that is a great tool right for software businesses.

Why Elfsight Chose Paddle

Speaking of Paddle, here are advantages that we couldn’t pass by:
  • Optimized, seamless checkout that will take only several minutes
  • Easy implementation at Elfsight service
  • Fast and friendly support that answered all our questions
Few days of work and the new payment system was ready to lock and load. And all our customers can already see it in action and add some cash to Elfsight accounts.

How to Make a Deposit

If you’d like to make the new payment, go to “Make a deposit” section at apps.elfsight.com and select your preferred payment method. All the process will take a few minutes.
Elfsight Apps Make Deposit
You can make a deposit using:
  • Credit Card It’s a quick way to pay. We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express.
  • PayPal It will take up to 5 minutes to process. Also you will need a PayPal account.
After that you will see a pop-up window with payment data that you should fill. Email is set automatically from Elfsight Apps account. All in all, you should specify:
  • Country
  • Zip code
  • Card info
Elfsight Apps Card Payment
That’s all! There’s only one thing left you should do – press a shining green button and your payment will be successfully completed. Please note that some countries charge an additional fee (VAT). Such fee depends on the country you live in and on the deposit you are going to make. That’s why the resulting sum can differ from the one indicated at Elfsight Apps.

Got Stuck Somewhere?

If you face any issue while conducting a transaction, be sure that you will get help from our team. Write us via email [email protected]. Moreover, you can submit a ticket at our Support Center. We constantly develop our cloud-based service. Don’t miss a thing! Stay in touch with Elfsight blog as there are a lot more what we are going to announce. Blog is the first place where we publish all the freshness.