When you buy an item on one of Envato markets, you usually get a purchase code. We wrote this article so that, if necessary, you can easily and quickly find your shortcode.
Andrey Kozinskiy
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Sometimes items’ authors might ask you to send them your purchase codes, while, for example, creating a support ticket system for the purchase approval or for activation of plugins, in particular, our YouTube Channel Plugin. We used Yottie as an example to explain you everything in detail.
3 Steps to Find Envato Purchase Code
There are three simple steps, which you should accomplish to get your wishful purchase code.
1. Open Your “Downloads”
Log in your Envato account on the required Envato marketplace. Be sure, that you’ve already bought the item. After that, visit the “Downloads” page. You will see this screen.
The list of your purchased items on Envato.
2. Download The Certificate
On the “Downloads” page you have to locate the needed item and click on “Download”. There you need to choose “License certificate & purchase code”. You can see the result in the image below.
Download License certificate & purchase code.
3. Find The Proper Line
Open the PDF file and find the following row: “Item Purchase Code”, like in the example.
Find Item Purchase Code line.
You’ve Got Your Code
That’s it! The ThemeForest (CodeCanyon or AudioJungle) purchase code is in your hands.
If you have any kind of questions concerning activation of our plugins, then reach us via Elfsight Support Center. We will help you with pleasure!