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How to Increase Sales on Envato with Elfsight Climber Kit

There are a lot of tips and guides where you will know basics in selling your plugin, theme or audio file. Our team don’t want to stay aside so we tried to pick out a first-priority task, which should be accomplished while selling items on Envato. That’s what we’ve got.
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How to Increase Sales on Envato with Elfsight Climber Kit
This might be a crucial question for every developer. Having a high-quality product is never enough. Additional promotion, reviews, social media and so much more points which you should consider and realize in order to find your target audience. As Elfsight team sells plugins on Envato marketplace, we have already had the experience in successful promotion of our products.

Your Look Does Matter

In our article we decided to focus attention on one point that you can’t underestimate at any circumstances. This essential point should be taken into account by any developer during the production period of his product. This thing relates to Envato product page, especially author profile and item preview images. Why you should pay attention to these images? It’s simple. Your Envato page should be relevant to your potential customers’ queries, have only useful information, present informative content and show nothing that can disturb someone’s mind from buying your product. You can do it yourself or check our new solution 😉

Ready-Made Templates for Help

Team Elfsight has prepared a set of PSD files “Envato Mountain Climber Kit” specially for you. This professionally compiled kit will suit anyone who strives for giving the good impression of yourself and reaching impressive results on Envato market. No matter who you are – a growing company or just a single talented developer – our equipment will suit you! Envato Mountain Climber Kit is developed taking into account a longstanding experience and all modern trends in design and marketing. Our kit is intended to create professional solutions in a few minutes to save your time during the ascending!
Reaching new heights requires reliable equipment! Grab our kit and get ready for the exciting adventure!

Item Preview Image

First things first, present your product in the right way. What is the first thing that anyone sees while opening any product on Envato market? Right, it’s a preview image. Envato Mountain Climber Kit is a flexible amazing solution for creating an outstanding item preview image. Show your potential clients the best there is in your product. You can manage the preview image so that it will be a unique calling card. In order to make it real we’ve implemented the following features:
  • 2 amazing layouts (horizontal or vertical zoning)
  • 4 mockups to show your product (3D or 2D browser; tablet, mobile and desktop; simple image zone)
  • 7 pre-installed material design colors
  • 5 stunning and universal photos with calibrated tone for the best text’s readability
  • 5 awesome smooth images with texture and blur
  • Flexible work with text and logo
  • Sales triggers (CTA, product rating, current version, available CMS, technologies)
  • Professional Photoshop file making
You will be able to get any combination of all parameters by switching layers in PSD files. That will reduce the time of customization and simplify the usage of the files.
To show kit’s variability, here are just a few examples of item preview image. You will be able to make something similar to these examples or assemble your own kit from the ground up.
Envato Preview Image Layout №1
Envato item preview image layout ex.1
Envato Preview Image Layout №2
Envato item preview image layout ex.2

Author Profile Image

Moreover, your profile should also look perfectly. Profile page image must say immediately what your company creates and why it’s worth looking your portfolio. Awaking interest of your audience and increasing its confidence – this is the main goal of author profile image. This part of our Envato Mountain Climber Kit has also a lot of features, namely:
  • Positioning of author name and logo (left side or center)
  • 7 pre-installed material design colors
  • 15 stunning and universal photos with calibrated tone for the best text’s readability
  • 5 awesome smooth images with texture and blur
  • Sales triggers (CTA for checking your portfolio and author rating)
  • Professional Photoshop file making
We don’t forget about the visual presentation. Check out the following examples.
Envato Profile Image Layout №1
Envato author profile image layout ex.1
Envato Profile Image Layout №2
Envato author profile image layout ex.2

Social Media Button

In addition, our Envato Mountain Climber Kit includes social media buttons with different styles and configurations. As social media is closely related to product’s promotion, we do really believe that you have some of the most popular social networks. If so, then don’t hesitate to let your audience know about it in order to follow your accounts. Our social media buttons have lots of pros:
  • 2 types of grid
  • 12 icons
  • Based on vector shapes
  • 5 forms of buttons
  • 2 types of button’s style
  • Clever layered files
Envato Follow Buttons Layout №1
Envato social media buttons layout ex.1
Envato Follow Buttons Layout №2
Envato social media buttons layout ex.2
Now let’s sum up. The right presentation of your product on Envato is one of the most important things that should be done. So try to do your best and make an eye-catching content that will attract everyone and give reasons for buying the item.
Preview image is the first pic, which all your potential customers see.

Download Envato Mountain Climber Kit

Our Climber Kit will help you with achieving this result. Customizable parameters and cleverly layered files will allow creating stunning previews easily and quickly. What are you waiting for? You can download our pack here: https://elfsight.com/envato/emck/Envato-Mountain-Climber-Kit.zip.
Take your Mountain Climber Kit absolutely for free and get ready to conquer Envato Peak!

Learn More in Our Presentation

By the way, you can find the whole presentation of our Envato Mountain Climber Kit on Envato Forum. Here you will find more visual content, which will describe all advantages of the kit.
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