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Before and After Slider Features

Explore all the features of Elfsight Comparison Slider and how they can help you create the most effective widget.

Create a portfolio that speaks for itself

Before-and-after images will help you visualize the positive effect of your products or showcase the power of your skills or services you provide. Just choose two photos and upload them to the widget. The slider will be created automatically, and users will be able to move the divider and see the change. This is a perfect way to prove that your offer is a good value for money and attract new sales.

Make captions and labels go in hand with the pictures

The option to add a caption to each of the slides will help you provide a description or detailed explanation of what users can see on the photo and let them understand the process better. You can also insert links to redirect users to another page, if necessary. Slider labels are also editable and you can think of something more creative that simple “before” and “after”.


Ergonomic Carousel layout with pagination

If you need to show a series of slides, but don’t want to tile the page with them, Carousel layout is right for you. It will arrange all the slides into one gallery with pagination arrows that are used for navigating between the images. Users can slide forwards and backwards to see all the photos, and of course, move the divider on each of them.

Spacious List layout

Elfsight Before and After Slider features a generous and broad-scale List layout. It was designed especially for cases, when it’s desired to place the slides one after another. As visitors scroll down the page, they see more and more impressive before and after photos. The flow of the slides will keep every user engaged with your website.

A selection of image ratios and adaptable widget width

Vary not only the scale of the whole widget (it can be easily set in pixels or percentage), but the proportions of the images, too. For this, we have added into the widget 7 ready-to-use image ratio variants, they include the most popular, such as square or four-three. You can find the one that will suit best your photos.

Usage examples
See a selection of real examples to explore the full potential of Before and After Slider for your website.
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Let users see your photos full screen

With a Fullscreen Mode, visitors can check the tremendous changes on your photos at large. The pictures will open full screen and build a slider that can be navigated with the help of arrows. This is a perfect chance to let users check every detail of the transformation to make sure they want the same, too.


Choose the direction of sliding

Elfsight Before and After Slider is truly adaptive. To be suitable for various cases, it can work in vertical and horizontal direction. Depending on your needs, you can choose the most appropriate direction of the divider. The labels will adapt automatically and take places right where they should. And you can also choose their align – left, right, or center.

Set the divider to the right place

The divider doesn’t have to stay exactly in the middle of the picture, you can choose the best position yourself. There’s a handy setting that allows you to drag it and vary the percentage of each photo. The divider also allows for changing the size – you can make it thicker or thinner. One more control element – arrows – can be switched on or off.

Two slider interaction options

For better comfort of your users, you can choose the way they will move the divider of the slider. The widget offers Drag&Click option that involves clicking the divider to move it and Hover option – the divider will move just on hover, it will follow the cursor of the visitor. On mobile devices, users can simply swipe to change the picture.

Painting options for more personalization

Make your slider really personalized using a variety of style options. You can upload a background picture or choose any color. All text elements: labels, caption, and header can be resized and painted any color you want. And the divider is also paintable.


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