Reviews from Amazon Features

Explore all the features of Elfsight Reviews from Amazon and how they can help you create the most effective widget.

Add reviews into your site in just a few clicks

If you run an Amazon profile, where customers leave their comments and reviews, it’s a matter of seconds to add them into your website. With our widget, all you need to do is to add a link to your product on Amazon. The widget will find the reviews and display them on your site. It’s also auto-updating, so immediately after a new review is published on Amazon, it will be on your site, too.

Highlight the most significant content

Elfsight Reviews from Amazon will help your reveal only the best or the most meaningful client reviews on your products. The widget offers three types of filters. You can set the widget to display all reviews or positive only; Exclude By filter removes the ones with the keywords which you enter; and using quantity filter, you can choose the amount of reviews to publish.

Tip: 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. That’s why it makes sense to show only positive ones and encourage people to buy more.

Shape brand reputation

Reviews are among the best ways to prove your business deserves trust, and they must look trustworthy, as well. With our widget, your reviews will show not only the recommendations, but maximum convincing info: author’s name, picture, the date of posting, Amazon icon and recommend signs, and a star rating. All of these are switchable. Having well-known and familiar Amazon design details, your reviews will be unquestionably trustworthy!

Usage examples
See a selection of real examples to explore the full potential of Reviews from Amazon for your website.
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Encourage customer conversations

With the help of our widget, you may not only demonstrate reviews, but get the new ones. Call-to-action button offers visitors to write their recommendation and gives “Yes” and “No” options. If a user is willing to post a review, then “Yes” button will redirect them to your Amazon page. “No” button will either remove the request, or display a custom message. In the body of the message, you can enter any text and links, for example your email, and ask a visitor to send their insights to you. Collect more client insights using only a single widget.

“I find placing the reviews widget on my website extremely useful as happy customers are more likely to share their positive thoughts on as many places as possible. It increases my multi-channel footprint”

Verona J.Forre

Three templates to cover your needs

With Elfsight tool, your Amazon reviews will look sleek, yet save the traits of well-recognized Amazon design. The widget features three templates that will display your reviews each in its own way. While Classic template will keep original Amazon review look, Bubble will set author details under the review text, Spotlight will place all the elements center and shift the stress on the text. Show reviews from a fresh perspective!

Tip: People love “authentic reviews. To convince them yours are not written by bots, chose to show the author’s name and profile picture.

Six options of layout

We offer 6 types of layout at your command, so you are free to find the suiting area of your reviews on the pages of your website. They may be ordered one by one with the help of List option; choose Grid to form a grid of reviews; Slider will show reviews carousel; Masonry will put reviews in best possible position in accordance with vacant vertical space; Floating Badge will pursue your website visitor as he explores the page, and the Embeddable badge is the best way to perfectly fit the reviews cards into the site design. Each layout contains extra settings: with Slider, you can pick arrows or drags for navigation, select sliding speed and pagination variant, and with every layout, you are free to set the amount of comments to show at each page.

“With the help of Grid option I organise my reviews the most representative way. And my old customers help me in obtaining new ones”

Edward B. Reese

Responsive design

To ideally fit your reviews into the page, with any space requirements, we have made our widget totally adaptive. Assign height and width in pixels or percentage. Try all combinations and find the most proper ones. In addition, with any parameters you choose, your Amazon Reviews will look flawless on tablets and smartphones because it features mobile optimization.


Adjustable text size

The text is the very essence of the widget, so you can set the font size yourself. You can work with the text and the title separately. For the title text, you can also pick regular or bold variant of the font.

Re-paintable interface elements

If you are using the widget by Elfsight, your Amazon reviews simply can’t look arid. This widget includes five elements which can be colored independently: review text, review background, links, review request button, and a star rating. Try out various combinations or set the familiar Amazon colors – it’s up to you to choose!


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