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8 Best Instagram Gallery Plugins for WordPress You Cannot Miss

A multitude of plugins for displaying Instagram images on websites have been released since the launching of Instagram. If you’re looking for the best Instagram Feed Widget or plugin to increase user engagement and to improve your site’s content, this selection is the very thing for you.
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8 Best Instagram Gallery Plugins for WordPress You Cannot Miss

How were the plugins picked?

A huge range of free and commercial products is available from numerous web-developers. To help you embed Instagram on your website the best way, we have examined all the premium Instagram plugins from the CodeCanyon marketplace.
The most popular Instagram plugins with the best ratings and most reviews and downloads have made it to this selection.

Our top Instagram feed plugins


Instagram Feed InstaShow
The average rating of InstaShow is 4.93 based on 165 reviews.
InstaShow – the best-selling Instagram plugin on CodeCanyon market – counts 7000 sales since its market launch 13 months ago. It allows you to display Instagram pictures from an unlimited number of sources:
  • Usernames
  • Hashtags
  • Locations
  • Post URLs
The option of filtering the content by such parameters as username, hashtag, location or post URL is available. InstaShow has one flexible layout with 12 options that offer in-depth customization to give it the look you need (navigation and animation parameters, direction, auto scrolling of images, etc). 24 options and 10 predefined color schemes are available for interface customization. The plugin allows you to open the images in a popup window, and displays the complete image information available on Instagram. This allows you to use it both as a gallery and as an interactive portfolio. Support response time is 1 business day. And all this is just for $19. You can check out this plugin on the demo page.

Instagram Photo & Video Gallery

Instagram Photo & Video Gallery
Instagram Photo & Video Gallery is a rather ripened plugin, issued back in 2013, with a large number of sales – 1 955 and the average rating of 4.53. It offers the option of displaying images by the following sources:
  • Username
  • Hashtag
  • User liked
  • Location
It also allows to use 2 types of layouts – gallery and card. Design customization is limited to a range of color schemes. Most of the image information is hidden, and you will need to go to Instagram to view it, while account details are fully displayed in the card layout. <!– The plugin’s price is $17.–> You can check out this plugin on the demo page.


Instalink - Instagram widget for WordPress
The highest rating of 4.95 on CodeCanyon.
InstaLink is one of the most popular plugins with the highest rating of 4.95, 44 reviews and over 900 downloads. It displays the Instagram feed from the following types of sources:
  • Username
  • Hashtags
1 flexible layout is embedded into InstaLink. This layout can be presented as a gallery or Instagram card. 12 different options are available to the user for customizing the plugin’s look and feel. InstaLink can display the necessary account information in the widget’s header, and the image data is available after the redirection to Instagram. Support response time is 1 business day. <!–strong>Price – $16. –>You can check out this plugin on the demo page.

Instagram Journal

Instagram Journal
Instagram Journal is a young plugin 1.5 years old, with the average rating of 4.72 (54 reviews) and the number of sales of 801, which places it in the middle of this list. It displays the images from the following sources:
  • Username
  • Hashtag
  • Liked or location
And also features predefined layouts to display pictures as vertical blocks of images, descriptions and hashtags. Predefined color schemes allow for website customization. The plugin also has an adaptive layout. Account and image information is displayed next to the gallery, and not in the popup window, what creates certain limitations for the plugin’s use. The indicated support response time is 1 business day. <!– The price of the plugin is $19. –>You can check out this plugin on the demo page.

Instagram Portfolio

Instagram Portfolio
9 photo filter effects for Instagram images.
Instagram Portfolio is another young 1.5-year-old plugin, with a low rating of 4.47 and 475 sales. It allows to display the Instagram feed by username, hashtag, and location, and also features animation and color effects. One of its trademarks is applying filters to images, and downloading images from the popup window. Content is displayed in grids of different sizes, allowing it to be placed in a footer or a sidebar. Part of the account information is displayed with the feed, but to see the image data the user will have to leave your site and go to Instagram. <!–The cost of the plugin is $18.–>You can check out this plugin on the demo page.

Instagram Gallery

Instagram Gallery
The oldest Instagram plugin created in 2011.
Instagram gallery is the oldest plugin in our rating. It has been created 4 years ago, and it is still supported by the author. However, users haven’t been too appreciative of it. This fact is demonstrated by the average rating of 3.92 and only 461 sales over the whole period of time. This plugin can display photographs by hashtag and user, and also features two color schemes (dark and light), and several simple animation effects. Popup displays full image data, but to get the account data you will have to go to Instagram. <!–The price of the plugin is $8.–>You can check out this plugin on the demo page.


InstaNOW - Instagram plugin
InstaNOW – despite its age (2 years old) and a rather high rating of 4.76, it’s got a low number of sales – 455. The plugin allows you to work with 2 sources: username or hashtag, and also to display images in a grid, or as an Instagram card or a slider. Several predefined skins and adaptiveness for different solutions allow you to install the gallery to any area of your website. The InstaNOW plugin displays the Instagram account information in grid and card layouts, in the other layouts you will need to click on an image to open a popup with the image data (author, likes counter, hashtags). <!–The price of the plugin is $15.–>You can check out this plugin on the demo page.

Social Roll

Social Roll - Instagram widget
The last update of the plugin was released in 2013.
Instagram social roll, the last plugin on this review has been created in March 2013, and it was updated by the author for the last time in the same year. It’s got the lowest rating on our review – 3.71, and the least number of downloads – 166. This plugin can display Instagram feed from 2 sources: username and hashtag, and also separate photo and video content in the feed. The only information displayed is the image description, which makes it possible to use this plugin only as an interactive element. <!–The cost of the plugin is $15.–>You can check out this plugin on the demo page.

Basic plugin parameters table

The summary of the reviewed plugins. The data presented in it is the actual data on November 21, 2016, when it has been collected.
InstaShow Instagram Photo & Video Gallery InstaLink Instagram Journal Instagram Portfolio Instagram Gallery InstaNOW Social Roll
Sales 7000 2199 1167 1018 630 496 535 167
Reviews 259 89 52 65 36 24 28 17
Average rating 21 Nov 2016 4.93 4.53 4.81 4.72 4.22 3.92 4.76 3.71
Creating date 26 Oct 2015 04 Sept 2013 21 Apr 2015 29 June 2015 08 Aug 2015 20 Sept 2012 21 Oct 2014 02 Nov 2013
Last update 21 Sep 2017 19 Aug 2016 4 Aug 2017 11 Sep 2017 28 Oct 2016 09 Oct 2016 28 Nov 2016 22 Mar 2013
Instagram source types username, hashtag, location, post URL username, hashtag, location, liked username, hashtag username, hashtag, location, liked username, hashtag, location username, hashtag username, hashtag username, hashtag
Support response work days 1 1 1 2
Price, $ 19 17 16 19 18 8 15 15

So what is the number one Instagram plugin?

We hope that you enjoy our review and find it useful when selecting a plugin. Our choice of the best Instagram plugin coincides with that of CodeCanyon users’. We would love to know your opinion. Comment on the choice of the winner, or leave your own review on one of the plugins from the list. We’re looking forward to your feedback, thank you!
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