Weebly Weather app

Muestra el pronóstico del tiempo para cualquier ubicación en tu sitio web
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Weebly Weather app
Trusted by over 2,000,000 small business, agencies and top global brands worldwide

¡Configura una aplicación Weebly Weather personalizada en un par de minutos!

Puede personalizar el widget ahora mismo y agregarlo a su página web directamente a través de la demostración en vivo.


Elfsight Weather is a simple and highly adaptive website widget to provide your visitors with the relevant weather situation for any location. A place using the title, ZIP or the coordinates. Website users will be able to check the updated info on the temperature, air pressure, humidity percentage, and weather elements. The widget has a feature to show the forecast for the week ahead or for the next twelve hours. You can adjust the interface using weather-themed background images and the option to choose custom colors.

Make it handy for customers to order trip with the weather forecast at hand!

Check all the features of Weather widget. They are available straight in the editor and they will help you create the widget specially for your case.

  • Three ways to enter the location: the name, the ZIP code, and the coordinates;
  • Over 30 languages supported to display weather details in the language your audience speak;
  • 5 variants of the widget configuration for different use-cases;
  • The option to show the daily forecast for the future week with dates;
  • Add hourly forecast for the next twelve hours.

You can try all widget’s functional traits right in the demo

How to integrate Weather app with a Weebly website?

To add widget, just fulfill the guidelines below

  1. Employ our free demo and start working with your customized app.
    Choose the preferred form and parameters of the app and apply all the corrections.
  2. Acquire your personal code demonstrated in the window on Elfsight Apps.
    Right after the establishing of your app is complete, copy the exclusive code in the appearing box and keep it for future need.
  3. Initiate employment of the app on your Weebly website.
    Embed the code copied before in your website and apply the improvements.
  4. The setup is fully accomplished.
    Go to your webpage to review how’s the app performing.

Take a minute to contact Elfsight clients support should you need assistance or have issues. We will be glad to assist with every request.

How to add the Weather widget to a WordPress page?

Adding to the website will take only a few moments. What is more, you do not need to have any programming proficiency.

Adjust the Weather plugin for WordPress in the free configurator; enter custom location, choose temperature to show; get your installation code, embed the code in the needed spot in the website template. Got it! The installation of the weather plugin on WordPress is done!

Having any issues with installing the plugin to WordPress or formatting it? You might find the guide on this page.

Do I have an opportunity to see what the widget will look like on a site?

Definitely! When forming the WordPress weather plugin in the online builder, you will regard all the changes in the right part of it. The weather banner will be identical to what you’ll add to WordPress.

What other widgets are essential for a WordPress website?

WordPress offers a bunch of plugins with exquisite functionality. However, if you need unconventional instruments to increase effectiveness of your website, you can use Elfsight plugins.

Among them are Google Reviews, Testimonials Slider, and YouTube Gallery. What is more, you can add WhatsApp and Facebook Chats to make communication via popular messengers even easier. Anyway, choose any instrument to your liking, and strengthen the website of yours.


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Elfsight Apps
Versión multiplataforma que funciona en cualquier sitio web.
desde $0 / mes
comienza con un plan gratuito
Sitios web ilimitados
Soporte gratuito de la empresa y bien documentado.
Ayuda de instalación gratuita
100% personalizable