Lecteur Radio Tarification
Start using Lecteur Radio for free and decide which plan is right for you later.
Good for testing purposes
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. En savoir plus
1 widget
Create up to 1 Lecteur Radio widget.
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Only bug fixes
Elfsight Branding
Best for low-traffic websites
33% off
You save $24 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. En savoir plus
3 widgets
Create up to 3 Lecteur Radio widgets.
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Basic support
100% Ad Free
Best for growing businesses
33% off
You save $48 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. En savoir plus
9 widgets
Create up to 9 Lecteur Radio widgets.
3 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
1 collaborator
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Priority support
100% Ad Free
Best for high-traffic websites
33% off
You save $96 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. En savoir plus
21 widgets
Create up to 21 Lecteur Radio widgets.
9 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Priority support & live chat
100% Ad Free
Enterprise T1
43% off
You save $216 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. En savoir plus
50 widgets
Create up to 50 Lecteur Radio widgets.
15 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Account manager
100% Ad Free
Enterprise T2
43% off
You save $288 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. En savoir plus
100 widgets
Create up to 100 Lecteur Radio widgets.
30 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Account manager
100% Ad Free
Enterprise T3
43% off
You save $432 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. En savoir plus
200 widgets
Create up to 200 Lecteur Radio widgets.
60 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Account manager
100% Ad Free
Enterprise T4
43% off
You save $576 a year
Unlimited websites
Unlimited views
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. En savoir plus
400 widgets
Create up to 400 Lecteur Radio widgets.
120 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Account manager
100% Ad Free
Looking to discuss your options for Enterprise plans? Book a meeting now!
Good for testing purposes
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. En savoir plus
1 widget
Create up to 1 Lecteur Radio widget.
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Only bug fixes
Elfsight Branding
Best for low-traffic websites
33% off
You save $24 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. En savoir plus
3 widgets
Create up to 3 Lecteur Radio widgets.
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Basic support
100% Ad Free
Best for growing businesses
33% off
You save $48 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. En savoir plus
9 widgets
Create up to 9 Lecteur Radio widgets.
3 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
1 collaborator
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Priority support
100% Ad Free
Best for high-traffic websites
33% off
You save $96 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. En savoir plus
21 widgets
Create up to 21 Lecteur Radio widgets.
9 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Priority support & live chat
100% Ad Free
Enterprise T1
43% off
You save $216 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. En savoir plus
50 widgets
Create up to 50 Lecteur Radio widgets.
15 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Account manager
100% Ad Free
Enterprise T2
43% off
You save $288 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. En savoir plus
100 widgets
Create up to 100 Lecteur Radio widgets.
30 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Account manager
100% Ad Free
Enterprise T3
43% off
You save $432 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. En savoir plus
200 widgets
Create up to 200 Lecteur Radio widgets.
60 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Account manager
100% Ad Free
Enterprise T4
43% off
You save $576 a year
Unlimited websites
Unlimited views
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. En savoir plus
400 widgets
Create up to 400 Lecteur Radio widgets.
120 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Account manager
100% Ad Free
Looking to discuss your options for Enterprise plans? Book a meeting now!
Trusted by customers all over the world
Questions fréquemment posées
Puis-je utiliser vos widgets sans frais?
Certainement! Il suffit instaurer un plugin et choisir la tarification gratuite.
Y a-t-il une période d'évaluation?
Non, nous n’avons pas de période d’essai. En variante, vous pouvez choisir la tarification gratuite et voir tous les possibilités de nos widgets. Notre forfait allégée gratuit n’a pas de restrictions donc vous aurez la compréhension de tous les potentiels en toute simplicité.
Avez-vous à fournir des rabais?
Oui, vous pouvez recevoir une remise de 20% pour votre premier abonnement payant. Aussi, nous offrons 30% bon de réduction pour une seconde abonnement unique suivant.
Est-il possible de changer mon plan plus tard?
Bien sûr! Vous pouvez ou downgrade votre plan à tout moment. L’argent que vous avez payé pour le précédent sera compté à nouveau pour votre nouveau plan.
Qu'est-ce que cela signifie le limite sur vues du plugin?
Le nombre de vues de plugin est égal à la quantité de ses téléchargements sur le site. Vues afficher numéro téléchargements plugin unique visiteurs. N’oubliez pas que que pour chaque tarif il y a ses limites sur nombre de vues de widget.
Y a-t-il des limitations à propos le montant de sites Web sur lesquels j’ai une opportunité d’intégrer mon widget?
Notre Plan Lite gratuit vous aide à incorporer le widget sur un seul site Web et formulaire un seul outil. Aucun des plans payés n’a pas une telle limitation, c’est-à-dire que le widget peut être mis en place sur un le montant de sites Web illimité.
Accordez-vous l’aide gratuite avec l’intégration?
Bien sûr, nous accordons une assistance d’installation gratuite pour tous catégories d’ utilisateurs. N’hésitez pas à entrer en contact avec notre support au cas où vous en auriez besoin.
Start using Lecteur Radio today
Try it for free / No credit card needed