Elfsight Birthday Sale

plugin de Compartir en Redes Sociales para Wix

Visualiza más de 40 iconos de redes sociales en el sitio web


An intuitive share app for any site, which enable your users to share content in any social network in a click. Start promoting your business in Facebook, Twitter, Medium and other media. Acquire new subscribers and readers using publications on your website.Have more clicks and followers from social networks!
  • Maximum promotion of publications and items in social networks.With a handy design and functions, just in 1 mouse click, your content will get actively spread in all social networks.
  • Reach more viewers with your website posts.Give your clients a way to promote your content easily and to cover a greater audience.
  • Improve site SEO parameters.Boost visits on your website with social networks to improve SEO parameters of your site and influence the position in search results of Google.
  • An easy tool to win new readers in social networks.Make exciting content and give your readers a chance to spread it on their own pages of social media.


Why Elfsight buttons the best among Wix share apps? See our key advantages:
  • 40+ embedded social networks;
  • Set any number of columns to organize the buttons;
  • Set button elements to be shown;
  • 3 color schemes for icons, background and hover;
  • Mobile optimized with expandable icon.
Discover all characteristics in a free editor

How to add Social Share Buttons app to Wix

A brief manual on integrating buttons into a site without knowledge in web development or hiring a developer. You will only need 3 minutes to perform the installation.
  1. Generate your personal Social Buttons.With our free configurator, assemble a widget with necessary layout and functions.
  2. Receive a code for showing the app.After widget configuring, acquire a code for Share widget from the appeared window on Elfsight Apps.
  3. Display the app on Wix site.Reveal the widget to the necessary place of the website and save the results.
  4. You fully performed the installation!Go to your website, to see your buttons.
Looking for advice on placing or creating the app? Our support team will be glad to help and find a solution! You can also try to find it yourself residing our full tutorial «How to place share buttons on Wix site».

How to add Social Share Buttons to my Wix web page without coding?

Elfsight company delivers a Cloud solution that lets site owners build a Social Share Buttons section yourself, learn how straightforward the process is:

  • Start working directly in the online Editor to establish a Social Share Buttons app you would like to integrate on your Wix website.
  • Pick one of our ready-made templates and adjust the Social Share Buttons settings, update your content, switch the layout and color scheme without any coding.
  • Save the Social Share Buttons and copy plugin’s code for installation, that can be effortlessly added in any Wix web page without buying a paid subscription.

With our intuitive Editor every internet user can generate Social Share Buttons widget online and effortlessly include to Wix website. It’s not required to pay or submit your card data in order to enter our Editor. If you encounter any problems of any kind, please go ahead and get in touch with our support staff.


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Elfsight Apps
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