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Google Sites PDF Embed widget

Incruste documentos PDF en su sitio web para verlos y descargarlos fácilmente sin redirigir a los visitantes a sus sitios de Google sin esfuerzo.
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Google Sites PDF Embed widget
Trusted by over 2,000,000 small business, agencies and top global brands worldwide

Crea tu widget de inserción de PDF

Configure su PDF Insert y agréguelo a su sitio web de Google Sites de forma gratuita.

Embed PDF Embed on Google Sites with the Elfsight widget

With the help of Elfsight PDF Embed for Google Sites, enjoy the easiest integration of your PDF files in the website. For your convenience, documents can be embedded by just uploading, by the URLs, or picking from the last uploaded. You are free to give each file your own name, upload a custom icon or picture, pick files layout variant, and other. Website audience can check the documents right on your website, open in a new tab, and download.

With PDF Embed, see solid business growth and better sales

These are only several of the rich widget features:

  • Integrate unlimited documents;
  • File Viewer layout variant to view documents on the site;
  • Upload pictures for icons and previews;
  • Displaying or removing Download file text;
  • Choose custom colors for six interface details;

You can test whet the widget offers trying out the demo

How can I add PDF Embed to my Google Sites site?

Simply take the steps presented below to start working with the widget.

  1. Perform our free demo and start creating your custom-made widget.
    Determine the selected look and aspects of the plugin and save the edits.
  2. Copy your individual code revealed in the window on Elfsight Apps.
    Right after the customization of your personal widget is done, copy the exclusive code at the emerged box and save it for future need.
  3. Enter on using the plugin on Google Sites website.
    Embed the code you’ve copied recently into your homepage and save the adjustments.
  4. You’re done! The setup is successfully accomplished.
    Visit your site to review how’s the widget running.
Due to the peculiarities of the Google Sites work, the widget may have look different from the online demo. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Supposing you experience any difficulties, have no hesitation to get in touch with our customer service team. Our specialists are eager to help you with all the questions you might have with the plugin.

In which way is it possible to embed Number Counter to my Google Sites without coding experience?

Elfsight offers a SaaS solution that enables users to create a Number Counter app yourself, see the easy instructions: Go to the online Editor to build a Number Counter section you would like to add on your Google Sites web page. Select one of the many premade templates and alter the Number Counter settings, add your content, change the layout and color of the elements with no coding skills. Click to save the settings you’ve made to Number Counter and copy the widget’s code for installation, that can be effortlessly included in Google Sites site within a free plan. With our user-friendly Editor any web user can form a Number Counter widget and effortlessly add it to their Google Sites homepage. You shouldn’t get a paid subscription or submit your card credentials in order to access Elfsight service. If you face any problems at any step, feel free to talk to our technical support staff.


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