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jQuery Weather plugin

Muestra el pronóstico del tiempo para cualquier ubicación en tu sitio web
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jQuery Weather plugin
Trusted by over 2,000,000 small business, agencies and top global brands worldwide

Crea tu complemento meteorológico

¡Configure su clima y agréguelo a su sitio web jQuery gratis!


Elfsight Weather widget is an uncomplicated and very adjustable website widget to display the fresh weather situation for any location. Add the place by the title, ZIP code or the coordinates. Your audience will see the updated info on the temperature, air pressure, humidity, and active weather. The widget has an option to demonstrate hourly or daily forecast. The widget also features themed background and the possibility to choose any colors.

Make it easier for clients to order their outdoor events with the weather forecast in view!

Here you can see all the functional traits of Weather widget. You can manage them right in the editor and they will help you configure the widget fit for your needs.

  • 3 ways to enter the location: by the name, the ZIP code, or the coordinates;
  • Over 30 languages supported to show weather details in your native tongue;
  • Five types of the widget configuration for various use-cases;
  • The option to demonstrate the day-to-day forecast for a week with dates;
  • Add hour-by-hour weather for the next 12 hours.

You can try all widget’s functional traits straight in the demo

How can I embed Weather plugin on my jQuery site?

To embed the widget, simply take the following fast steps

  1. Generate your personal Weather plugin
    By means of our free demo, get a plugin with a preferable look and functionality.
  2. Acquire the individual code to publish the plugin
    After you have configured your widget, you will acquire your installation code from the appeared notification on Elfsight Apps. Copy the code for later use.
  3. The plugin on your jQuery website
    Pick the area where you need to place the plugin and paste the copied code there. Apply the changes.
  4. Congratulations! You have just set up the widget!
    Enter your site, to view your plugin.

Don’t hesitate to communicate to Elfsight clients support when you need advice or having issues. Our specialists will give a helping hand with every request.

Is there an option for adding Weather to my jQuery website with no coding?

Elfsight company delivers a Cloud solution that enables people establish a Weather widget yourself, find out how uncomplicated it is: Work straight in the live Editor to establish a Weather plugin you would like to embed on your jQuery web page. Select one of the many pre-designed templates and adjust the Weather settings, change the layout and color of the elements, add your content, without coding skills. Click to save the settings you’ve made to Weather and get the plugin’s installation code, that can be simply added in any jQuery homepage without buying a paid subscription. With the straightforward Configurator every internet user can build Weather plugin online and effortlessly include it to the jQuery website. There’s no need to get a paid plan or disclose your card credentials to access the service. If you run into any issues at any step, please feel free to get in touch with our support team.


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