Weebly Instagram widget

Nuestro widget de Instagram para Weebly entretendrá a los visitantes de su web utilizando capacidades sorprendentes.


Would you like to display Instagram on Weebly site? We have a solution for your needs! Please welcome – InstaLink – responsive Instagram widget. It shows social photos from any public username or by tag or username filtered by hashtag right on your website.

InstaLink – Simple Way to Add Instagram widget!

The essential widget features offer:

  • Engage audience on your website
  • Increase followers of your Instagram profile
  • Promote your brand or show everyone your portfolio
  • Adapt the feed to any screen and install it in several minutes

You can test the full functionality of the widget in the demo on this page

How can I add Instagram widget on my Weebly site?

Simply fulfill the guidelines below to integrate the widget.

  1. Open our free demo and start building your unique plugin.
    Specify the preferred look and parameters of the plugin and apply the corrections.
  2. Acquire the individual code which is shown in the box on Elfsight Apps.
    When the generation of your personal tool is finished, copy the personal code in the appearing popup and keep it for further occasion.
  3. Commence employment of the tool on your Weebly site.
    Embed the code copied before in your website and save the adjustments.
  4. The installation is successfully accomplished.
    Go to your web page to review how’s the plugin running.

On condition of confronting inquiries or running into any obstacles, do not be afraid to write to our support team. Our specialists will be delighted to help you with all the questions you might have with the product.


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Elfsight Apps
Versión multiplataforma que funciona en cualquier sitio.
desde $0 / mes
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Dominios ilimitados
Soporte profesional y puntual
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100% personalizable