Joomla Search extension

¡Fantástica herramienta de búsqueda para la cantidad de clientes potenciales exitosos!
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Joomla Search extension
Trusted by over 2,000,000 small business, agencies and top global brands worldwide

Crea tu complemento de búsqueda

¡Configure su búsqueda y agréguela a su sitio web Joomla gratis!


The best Joomla search extension which enables you to ease navigation throughout dozens of web pages on your site. Elfsight Search box is created on the basis of Google API that’s why your clients are going to see the results fast and seamlessly. The outputs are tabled in the most structured manner as the extension understands the schema markup. Feel free to use any results layout to boast your goods and highlight the most favourite ones by locating them in Quick Links. With the help of our extension you’ll be able to create a beautiful search button that will easily fit into the design of your website.

Make users stay longer on your business web resource and boost activity by demonstrating more of what you have.!

Which way do I embed a Search to my Joomla site?

The building of the widget happens within the Elfsight website and you don’t need to code. Go to our active demo to shape your tool, obtain the code and insert it in your website.

The best usage examples of Search bar integration

We ’ll provide you with lots of personalization options: full length widgets for implementing in the content zone, floating plugins for scrolling opportunities, layouts for the footer of your website, header and all kinds of vertical possibilities for sidebars and menus.

Is there an option to build an embedded or floating search button by means of your editor?

You can create any widget’s variations. There are many layouts available in the editor, and all of them may be easily personalized the way you need.

The most valuable extension features offer

  • A Google Application Programming Interface based search engine
  • Significant speed, quick results
  • Entire text search: look for hits in the titles, articles, reviews, etc.
  • Fostered favourite items in Quick Links
  • The extension can be translated into the language you use.

You can test if the extension is for you trying out the demo

How can I add Search to my Joomla website?

Simply follow the instructions below to start working with the extension.

  1. Manage our free demo and start forming your customized extension.
    Find the preferable layout and specifications of the plugin and save the modifications.
  2. Copy the unique code popping up in the box on Elfsight Apps.
    As soon as the generation of your extension is complete, copy the personal code in the emerged popup and save it for later use.
  3. Commence employment of the extension on Joomla web page.
    Insert the code you’ve saved before into your homepage and apply the corrections.
  4. Done! The embedding is fully ended.
    Go your page to examine the performance of the widget.

On condition of dealing with questions or facing some obstacles, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our customer service team. Our consultants are eager to help you with all the difficulties you might have with the tool.


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Elfsight Apps
Versión multiplataforma que se adapta a cualquier sitio web.
desde $0 / mes
comienza con el plan gratuito
Sitios web ilimitados
Soporte profesional
Ayuda de instalación gratuita
Oferta especial para múltiples aplicaciones.