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Wix Podcast Player app

Inserta un reproductor de podcasts directamente en tu sitio web, permitiendo a los usuarios escuchar tus episodios sin salir de la página de tu sitio web Wix sin esfuerzo.
4.8 rating
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Wix Podcast Player app
Trusted by over 2,000,000 small business, agencies and top global brands worldwide

Crea tu aplicación Podcast Player

¡Configura tu Podcast Player y agrégalo a tu sitio web Wix gratis!


Elfsight Podcast Player is an uncomplicated app for Wix websites allowing you to playback podcasts right on your homepage. The tool is hugely adjustable: you are free to alter its position, settling it anywhere on the page, scale its size, recolor the background and other parts to blend it with your site’s style, employ dark theme, show images and show or hide three additional player details like progress bar and many more. Entertain your visitors, turn the autoplay on and have no doubt – your visitors won’t leave your homepage in a hurry!.

Interest your users by equipping them with valuable and captivating materials by means of Elfsight Podcast Player

The widget has practical and uncomplicated features, see some of them:

  • Various color variations.
  • 2 layouts applicable.
  • An option to add background image.
  • Add unlimited number of tracks.
  • A possibility to design your personalized color scheme.

Simply try this demo to see how it works

How to embed Podcast Player into my Wix website?

Just follow a couple of steps described below to integrate the widget.

  1. Using our free demo and start creating your custom app.
    Specify the selected interface and features of the tool and save the modifications.
  2. Acquire your individual code shown in the box on Elfsight Apps.
    After the generation of your personal app is finished, copy the individual code at the appeared window and keep it for later occasion.
  3. Initiate utilization of the tool on your Wix website.
    Paste the code copied before into your page and apply the edits.
  4. The installation is fully performed.
    Go to your site to see how’s the plugin working.

In case you encounter any obstacles, feel free to contact our support team. Our consultants are eager to help you with all the questions you might have with the product.


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