Weebly Podcast Player app

Ofrezca a su audiencia una experiencia inusual y consiga clientes fieles sin esfuerzo


Elfsight Podcast Player is a simple tool for Weebly giving you an opportunity to stream podcasts directly on the pages of your site. The widget is highly modifiable: you can change its position, setting it in any place on the page, alter its size, do over the background and other parts to blend it with your site’s design, apply dark color scheme, reveal images and show or conceal 3 other player parts like progress bar and many more. Entertain your users, switch the autoplay on and be sure – your audience won’t quit your site in a rush!.

Engage your users by granting them with valuable and entertaining materials by means of Elfsight Podcast Player

The app offers handy and fast features, see some of them:

  • Unlimited color alterations.
  • Two layouts applicable.
  • Possibility to append background image.
  • Adject unlimited number of tracks.
  • An option to form your own color scheme.

Simply try out this demo to see how it works

How to add Podcast Player to my Weebly site?

Simply follow several steps given below to start working with the app.

  1. Open our free editor and start shaping your customized app.
    Specify the custom arrangement and parameters of the app and apply all the edits.
  2. Get your unique code which appears in the box on Elfsight Apps.
    After the creation of your app is done, copy the exclusive code at the emerged box and save it for later use.
  3. Commence employment of the app on your Weebly website.
    Integrate the code you’ve saved recently in your site and save the corrections.
  4. The installation is fully ended.
    Visit your website to inspect the performance of the app.

If you have any problems, do not be afraid to address our customer service team. Our consultants will be excited to resolve all the difficulties you may have with the widget.


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Elfsight Apps
Solución multiplataforma que funciona en cualquier sitio
desde $0 / mes
comienza con un plan gratuito
Sitios web ilimitados
Soporte gratuito y puntual
Servicio de instalación gratuito
Totalmente personalizable