Magento Apple App Store Reviews Extension

Aumente la confianza mostrando comentarios de visitantes reales con información del autor


Elfsight Apple Store Reviews is a handy tool used to demonstrate the reviews about your products straight on your website. Using Elfsight extension, you will manage to use filters for hiding the unwanted comments, demonstrate your star and number rating, show information on the comments’ authors, and add a CTA which will motivate users to leave their review. Elfsight Apple Reviews will help demonstrate your high social proof on the site and draw new purchases.

Uplevel sales boasting impressive rating and customer recognition


See all the functions of product. You can set them right in the editor and they will help you create the widget right for your needs.

  • Choosing slide speed and autoplay speed;
  • Choosing pagination type in Slider layout;
  • Flexible width and height;
  • An option to turn on/off the header of the tool;

You can try all widget’s functional traits straight in the demo

How can I integrate Apple Store Reviews with my Magento site?

To start using widget, just take a couple of quick steps.

  1. Open our free configurator and start working with your unique extension.
    Choose the preferable arrangement and parameters of the extension and apply all the edits.
  2. Get your personal code revealed in the special form on Elfsight Apps.
    When the establishing of your extension is done, copy the personal code from the emerged box and keep it for further need.
  3. Initiate employment of the extension on your Magento site.
    Paste the code saved before into your website and apply the improvements.
  4. Done! The integration is fully ended.
    Go to your webpage to examine the work of the extension.

Take a minute to address the customer support if you need advice or having something to ask. We will give a helping hand with every request.


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