Cena Calculator
Start using Calculator for free and decide which plan is right for you later.
Good for testing purposes
Free forever
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. Dowiedz się więcej
1 widget
Create up to 1 Calculator widget.
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Only bug fixes
Elfsight Branding
Best for low-traffic websites
17% off
Billed yearly
You save $12 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. Dowiedz się więcej
3 widgets
Create up to 3 Calculator widgets.
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Basic support
100% Ad Free
Best for growing businesses
17% off
Billed yearly
You save $24 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. Dowiedz się więcej
9 widgets
Create up to 9 Calculator widgets.
3 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
1 collaborator
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Priority support
100% Ad Free
Best for high-traffic websites
17% off
Billed yearly
You save $48 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. Dowiedz się więcej
21 widgets
Create up to 21 Calculator widgets.
9 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Priority support & live chat
100% Ad Free
Enterprise T1
29% off
Billed yearly
You save $144 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. Dowiedz się więcej
50 widgets
Create up to 50 Calculator widgets.
15 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Account manager
100% Ad Free
Enterprise T2
29% off
Billed yearly
You save $192 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. Dowiedz się więcej
100 widgets
Create up to 100 Calculator widgets.
30 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Account manager
100% Ad Free
Enterprise T3
29% off
Billed yearly
You save $288 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. Dowiedz się więcej
200 widgets
Create up to 200 Calculator widgets.
60 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Account manager
100% Ad Free
Enterprise T4
29% off
Billed yearly
You save $384 a year
Unlimited websites
Unlimited views
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. Dowiedz się więcej
400 widgets
Create up to 400 Calculator widgets.
120 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Account manager
100% Ad Free
Looking to discuss your options for Enterprise plans? Book a meeting now!
Good for testing purposes
Free forever
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. Dowiedz się więcej
1 widget
Create up to 1 Calculator widget.
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Only bug fixes
Elfsight Branding
Best for low-traffic websites
17% off
Billed yearly
You save $12 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. Dowiedz się więcej
3 widgets
Create up to 3 Calculator widgets.
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Basic support
100% Ad Free
Best for growing businesses
17% off
Billed yearly
You save $24 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. Dowiedz się więcej
9 widgets
Create up to 9 Calculator widgets.
3 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
1 collaborator
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Priority support
100% Ad Free
Best for high-traffic websites
17% off
Billed yearly
You save $48 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. Dowiedz się więcej
21 widgets
Create up to 21 Calculator widgets.
9 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Priority support & live chat
100% Ad Free
Enterprise T1
29% off
Billed yearly
You save $144 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. Dowiedz się więcej
50 widgets
Create up to 50 Calculator widgets.
15 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Account manager
100% Ad Free
Enterprise T2
29% off
Billed yearly
You save $192 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. Dowiedz się więcej
100 widgets
Create up to 100 Calculator widgets.
30 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Account manager
100% Ad Free
Enterprise T3
29% off
Billed yearly
You save $288 a year
Unlimited websites
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. Dowiedz się więcej
200 widgets
Create up to 200 Calculator widgets.
60 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Account manager
100% Ad Free
Enterprise T4
29% off
Billed yearly
You save $384 a year
Unlimited websites
Unlimited views
The number of views is the number of times a widget loads on a webpage or via a share link. Exceeding this monthly limit will temporarily deactivate your app. Dowiedz się więcej
400 widgets
Create up to 400 Calculator widgets.
120 projects
Effortlessly organize your widgets, making management simple and efficient.
3 collaborators
Invite members to collaborate on widgets together.
Advanced customizations
With advanced customization privileges, you can rely on our team for tailor-made widget adjustments using custom CSS.
Free installation service
Get free installation assistance from our support team. Our experts will help resolve any installation issues, ensuring a successful setup.
Account manager
100% Ad Free
Looking to discuss your options for Enterprise plans? Book a meeting now!
Trusted by customers all over the world
Users globally trust Elfsight to upgrade their websites
Top service in the world when it comes to website widgets
Rating from thousands of reviews
gathered over our 12-year history
Widgets are available in our consistently
growing collection
Często zadawane pytania
Czy mogę korzystać z Waszych widgetów bezpłatnie?
Zdecydowanie! Aby cieszyć się korzyściami z naszych widgetów, wystarczy wybrać bezpłatny plan cenowy.
Czy oferujecie okres próbny?
Nie, nie oferujemy żadnych bezpłatnych okresów próbnych. Alternatywnie możesz wybrać plan bezpłatny i zobaczyć wszystkie możliwości w naszych widgetach. Plan bezpłatny nie ogranicza Cię w żadnych funkcjach, więc poznasz wszystkie potencjały bez zbytniego wysiłku.
Czy oferujecie jakieś zniżki?
Oczywiście, możesz uzyskać 20% zniżki powitalnej na swoją pierwszą komercyjną subskrypcję. Dodatkowo mamy 30% zniżki na drugą subskrypcję jednego aplikacji.
Czy istnieje możliwość późniejszej modyfikacji mojego planu?
Tak! Możesz zwiększać lub zmniejszać swój plan o każdej porze. Pieniądze, które zapłaciłeś za poprzednią subskrypcję, zostaną przeliczone na nowy plan.
Co to jest ograniczenie wyświetleń?
Liczba wyświetleń oznacza liczbę załadowań widgetu na stronie Twojej witryny. Wyświetlenia pokazują, jak często plugin może być ładowany na stronie, co oznacza, że to nie jest liczba unikalnych odwiedzających. Pamiętaj, że każdy plan ma swoje własne ograniczenie wyświetleń.
Ile stron mogę dodać mój widget?
Plan Free Lite umożliwia dodanie widgetu na jednej stronie i skonstruowanie tylko jednego pluginu. Żadne płatne plany nie mają takiego ograniczenia. Sprawdź inne subskrypcje, aby zobaczyć liczbę stron wspieranych przez integrację widgetu.
Czy oferujecie pomoc w instalacji bez opłat?
Nie ma wątpliwości! Zapewniamy bezpłatną pomoc w instalacji dla wszystkich kategorii użytkowników. Śmiało skontaktuj się z naszym zespołem obsługi klienta, jeśli tego potrzebujesz.
Start using Calculator today
Try it for free / No credit card needed